Logbook for spikeyhelen

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1,085 entries in this logbook showing 1051-1075
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Petit Prince 5a Lead Sam Walker Jun, 2011 Buoux
Le Goïtre 5c *** AltLd Sam Walker Jun, 2011 Buoux
La No 6a *** AltLd Sam Walker Jun, 2011 Buoux
Canaris des îles 5c ** Lead O/S Sam Walker Jun, 2011 Buoux
Agag's Groove (Summer) VD *** 2nd O/S Fiona Graham, Malcolm Smith 25 Apr, 2011 Buachaille Etive Mor
Elastic Collision E3 5c *** 2nd dog Malcolm Smith 16 Apr, 2011 Reiff - An Stiuir
Overhanging Crack S Lead O/S Malcolm Smith 16 Apr, 2011 Reiff - An Stiuir
Moody Blues VS 4b Lead O/S Malcolm Smith 16 Apr, 2011 Reiff - An Stiuir
Crack of Desire True Finish E4 6a *** 2nd dog Malcolm Smith 16 Apr, 2011 Reiff - Roinn a' Mhill
The Ramp S Lead O/S Malcolm Smith 16 Apr, 2011 Reiff - Roinn a' Mhill
Midreiff S Lead O/S Malcolm Smith 16 Apr, 2011 Reiff - Roinn a' Mhill
Loose Living 6a * Lead Sam Walker 27 Mar, 2011 Glen Ogle Sport Crags
Carry On Up The Corbetts 6a+ Lead Sam Walker 27 Mar, 2011 Glen Ogle Sport Crags
Retribution 6c+ * Lead dnf Sam Walker 27 Mar, 2011 Glen Ogle Sport Crags
Fat Eagles Fly Low 6a+ ** Lead Sam Walker 27 Mar, 2011 Glen Ogle Sport Crags
Darkness Falling 6a+ * Lead O/S Sam Walker 2010 North Berwick Law
Heathy VS 4c ** 2nd O/S Sam Walker 2010 Rosyth Quarry
Big Corner S ** TR O/S Russell Mackinnon Jun, 2009 The Quadrocks
Green Corner VD Lead O/S Rosie Goolden 31 May, 2009 The Quadrocks
Big Corner S ** Lead O/S Rosie Goolden 31 May, 2009 The Quadrocks
Curving Crack Wall VD ** Lead O/S Rosie Goolden 31 May, 2009 The Quadrocks
Curving crack VD ** Lead O/S Rosie Goolden 31 May, 2009 The Quadrocks
Holly Tree Groove VD ** Lead O/S Rosie Goolden 30 May, 2009 Polney Crag (Craig a Barns)
Cuticle Crack S 4a ** Lead dog Rosie Goolden 30 May, 2009 Polney Crag (Craig a Barns)
Twisted Rib VD ** Lead O/S Rosie Goolden 30 May, 2009 Polney Crag (Craig a Barns)
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