Contributed by Mark Kemball Nov/12 - This public ticklist has been seen 3,283 times

This is a list of all the "dagger" climbs in the Atlantic Coast section of the 2000 North Devon and Cornwall guide. - If you repeat any, please record your opinion of the grade, quality, any fixed gear, adequacey of guidebook description etc! Thanks

7 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Luke pavey 11% 5 Jul, 2016
2nd Mark Kemball 6% 28 Feb, 2021
3rd Hidden 4% 29 Jun, 2014

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Pitch 2, the big thread.

Our Stars, Our Sky
Pitch 2, the big thread.
© althesin

Andy Steinberg soaking up the sun

Dead Run Down
Andy Steinberg soaking up the sun
© Luke pavey (porky)

The start is harder for the short...

Little Robert
The start is harder for the short...
© Martin Dunning

This may be the pillar. Looks like the correct location. From what I could tell the rock looked very loose.

Totem Pole
This may be the pillar. Looks like the correct location. From what I could tell the rock looked very loose.
© harrypickin

Satanic Slab, Trevone

Satanic Slab
Satanic Slab, Trevone
© Mark Kemball

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Smugglers and Rockpools HVS 4c - ? Thorn's Beach...
Malibu VD - ? Great Barton Strand
Belly Board VS - ? Great Barton Strand
Muffin Man HVS 4c - ? Crackington Haven
Longevity S - ? Crackington Haven
Where There's a Will... XS 5c - 150m • 6 Bukator Cliff
The Tourist XS 5b - ? Beeny Cliff
Little and Large HVS 5b ** 1 ? Long Island
Bloodbath HVS 5a * 3 ? Long Island
Chossy Chimney VS 4a - ? Trewethet Cliff
Slugs on Jugs E1 5a 1 45m • 2 Trewethet Cliff
The Urge XS 5c *** 2 ? Trewethet Cliff
Baffler XS 5c * - ? Trewethet Cliff
Molly's 29-Hour Party S 4a - ? Trewethet Cliff
Mary's Journey HS 4b - ? Rocky Valley Zawn
Piran P S 1 61m Rocky Valley Zawn
Open Claw E4 6a - ? Bossiney Haven
Kill HS 4b 2 ? Bossiney Haven
Pat S - ? Bossiney Haven
Rick S 4a - ? Bossiney Haven
Under Pressure XS 5c * - ? Lye Rock
Seal Appeal XS 5b - ? Willapark Cliff
Dark Comedy HVS 5a - ? Tintagel Head
Astroslide E3 5c *** - ? Tintagel Head
Overkeel E5 6b *** - ? Tintagel Head
Wicked Gravity E4 6a *** 3 ? Tintagel Head
Chancelot E5 6a *** - ? Tintagel Head
One Stood against Many E5 6a *** 1 ? Tintagel Head
Knights of the Intriguing Niche E4 5c * - ? Tintagel Head
Frank's Crack E2 5b * - ? Tintagel Head
Frank's Corner E3 5c ** - ? Tintagel Head
Gypsy Queen E6 6b *** 1 ? Tintagel Head
Isle of Avalon E5 6b * 1 ? Tintagel Head
Ocean Colour Dream E6 6a *** - ? Tintagel Head
Faschisti E5 6b ** 1 ? Tintagel Head
Pathfinder E5 5c ** 1 ? Tintagel Head
Houdini VS 4c - ? Tintagel Head
The Break S - ? Tintagel Head
Back to the Old Ways E3 5b * - ? Backaways Cove
The Strangest Secret E6 6a *** - ? Backaways Cove
North Coast Fever E4 5c * - ? Backaways Cove
Bend Over Backaways E3 6a * - ? Backaways Cove
Baha HS 4a - ? Backaways Cove
Polymorphus Pervert HVS 4c - ? Scarnor Point
Pilot Hotel VS 4c - ? Scarnor Point
Spacewalker S 4a - ? Scarnor Point
The Mighty Quin E2 5b - ? Kellan Head
Divergent Thinking E2 5c - ? Kellan Head
Darkness Visible E3 5c *** 1 ? Kellan Head
Solace variation start HVS 5a * - ? Kellan Head
Living Time Warp E5 6a * - ? Kellan Head
Kellanesis E6 6c *** - ? Kellan Head
Knight's Move E1 5c * 4 ? Kellan Head
The Somme E3 5c * - ? Kellan Head
Shady Pete VS 4c - ? Kellan Slab
Yogic Flyer E6 6a ** 4 30m Doyden Point
Wilting E6 6a * - ? Doyden Point
Visage E2 5c * 1 ? Doyden Point
The Concrete Trampoline E3 5b 1 ? Pentire Point
Robert of Pentire E3 6a 2 ? Pentire Point
Pete's Route E2 5b 3 ? Pentire Point
A Groove Full of Mirrors E7 6b * 1 ? Pentire Point
Another Nervous Breakdown E7 6b - ? Pentire Point
Your Funeral, My Trail E6 6b 1 ? Pentire Point
Beneath Black Waters E6 6b * - ? Pentire Point
Groove of Illusions VS 4c - ? Pentire Point
Snake In The Grass VS 4b - 20m Pentire Point
Greenwitch HS 4b 1 ? Pentire Point
Colin's Grandma VS 4c - ? Pentire Point
Faff HS 4b - ? Pentire Point
The Rising Dark HVS 5a 2 ? Pentire Point
Quiet Desperation HVS 5a 2 ? Pentire Point
Camming Round The Mountain HVS 5a 2 ? Pentire Point
Pachyderm Pathway HVS 5a * 10 20m Pentire Point
Pigs in Zen E3 6a 2 ? Pentire Point
Little Black Dress E2 5b 10 ? Pentire Point
Black Rose E3 5c * 2 ? Pentire Point
Black Power E3 5c 1 ? Pentire Point
A Most Peculiar Practice HS 4b 2 ? Pentire Point
Turkish Delight E5 5c ** - ? Pentire Point
The Crusade E5 6a *** 5 ? Pentire Point
Easy Prey E4 5c * 1 ? Pentire Point
Hope for Hillebrandt E3 5c 1 ? Pentire Point
Pounding Heart E4 6a *** 1 ? Pentire Point
The Black Hunter E5 6b ** - ? Pentire Point
Our Stars, Our Sky VS 4c ** 23 45m • 2 Pentire Point
Steep Sheep HVS 5a * - ? Pentire Point
A Wok on the Wild Side HVS 4c - ? Pentire Point
Silent Screaming E1 5a 1 ? Pentire Point
Graceless HS 4b - ? Pentire Point
Bitter Minnows HVS 5a * 1 ? Pentire Point
Soul Shock E2 5b - ? Pentire Point
Artifice S 4a 1 ? Pentire Point
Rampo VD - ? Pentire Point
Sinners E1 5b * 5 ? Pentire Point
Blue Juice E5 6a 1 ? Pentire Point
Goth E2 5b - ? Pentire Point
Safe Haven!?! HVS 5a - ? Pentire Point
Exclusion Zone VS 4c - ? Pentire Point
Whoops Apocalypse E5 6a ** - ? Pentire Point
Hiroshima Mon Amour M * - ? Pentire Point
Hopener S 1 ? Pentire Point
Thinisher HS - ? Pentire Point
Mrs Pepper Pot E5 6a - ? Butter Hole
The Mongfish E3 5c - ? • 2 Butter Hole
Red Parade E1 5b ** 1 ? Butter Hole
Maggie's Mistake E1 5a * - ? Butter Hole
Vive la Revolution S 4a * 4 ? Butter Hole
Little Robert VS 4c ** 2 ? Butter Hole
Ali HVS 4c 1 ? Butter Hole
One for Curly E2 5b 1 ? Butter Hole
Toje VS 4b 1 ? Butter Hole
The Mind Field E4 5b - ? Butter Hole
Foaming Heels S 4a - ? Butter Hole
Soggy Socks VS 4b - ? Butter Hole
Totem Pole HVS 5a 1 ? Gunver Head
Satanic Slab MVS 4c 2 ? Trevone
Proctoscopy S - ? Park Head
Alison's Rib D 21 ? Trenance Cliff
Senecio Slab S 4a - ? Trenance Cliff
The 19th Hole D 1 ? Trenance Cliff
Jenny's Jaunt VS 4b - ? Berryl's Point
Rose Street VD - ? Berryl's Point
Unholy Communion HS - ? Penhale Camp Area
Anna VS 4b 4 ? Penhale Camp Area
Icarus VS 4b 2 ? Penhale Camp Area
Crack of Doom VS 4c * 4 ? Penhale Camp Area
Orca E1 5a 1 ? Penhale Camp Area
Supercruise HVS 5a * 1 ? Penhale Camp Area
Top Secret VD 2 ? Penhale Camp Area
Open Secret VD - ? Penhale Camp Area
Crustacean HVS 4c 2 ? Penhale Camp Area
Black Slab VD 2 ? Penhale Camp Area
Alpine Departures M - ? Cligga Head
Fisticuffs VS 4c - ? Cligga Head
North Buttress VD 1 40m Cligga Head
Fear of a Black Planet E2 5b ** - ? Cligga Head
Maxwell's Demon E5 6b ** 1 ? Cligga Head
Fingerin' the Dyke E3 5c ** 2 ? Cligga Head
The Skirmish HVS 5a 9 ? Carn Gowla
War without Tears E2 5b 2 ? Carn Gowla
Beresford HVS - ? Carn Gowla
1492 E6 6b * - ? Carn Gowla
Ku Klux Klan E6 6b ** - ? Carn Gowla
Escapist Direct E2 5b - ? Carn Gowla
Running on Empty E4 6a 3 ? Carn Gowla
Motion Sickness E3 5c * 2 ? Carn Gowla
Excellent Wall E2 5b 4 ? Carn Gowla
Deceleration Lane VS 4b * 7 ? Carn Gowla
Reality Bypass E4 5c 1 ? Carn Gowla
Natrel Plus E3 6a 1 ? Carn Gowla
Pierrot le Fou E5 6a *** 3 ? Carn Gowla
Barren Lands E6 6a ** - ? Carn Gowla
The Magic Wand E5 6a ** 1 ? Carn Gowla
Dark Lady E3 6a 1 ? Carn Gowla
Rise Above E4 6a 1 ? Carn Gowla
Saviourblade E5 6a 1 ? Carn Gowla
Wolfstone E6 6b ** 1 ? Carn Gowla
Where's Heinz? E4 6a * 3 ? Carn Gowla
Bitter Sweet E3 5b * 3 ? Carn Gowla
Castaway E1 5a * 2 ? Carn Gowla
Dead Run Down E5 5c ** 2 ? Carn Gowla
Terra Nova HVS 5a 4 ? Carn Gowla
Hard Tack HVS 4c 3 ? Carn Gowla
Sideline VD 3 ? Carn Gowla
Saline HVS 5a * 4 ? Carn Gowla
Crackline HS 4b ** 8 ? Carn Gowla
Feline VS 4b 7 ? Carn Gowla
Fine Line D * 8 ? Carn Gowla
Bee Line HVS 5b * 6 ? Carn Gowla
Bubble Trouble HVS 5a 9 ? Carn Gowla
Absolutely Adit E1 5a 5 38m Carn Gowla
Blackfoot Trots VS 4c 2 ? Carn Gowla
Crescenda E2 5c - ? Carn Gowla
Touch the Earth VS 4c ** 18 ? Carn Gowla
Shaman S 4a 5 ? Carn Gowla
Red Cloud S 8 13m Carn Gowla
Ghost Dance HS 1 ? Carn Gowla
Kansas City HVS 5a - ? Carn Gowla
Wheal Coates Wall E2 - ? Chapel Porth
Toby's Corner HVS 4c - ? Chapel Porth
Chapel Porth Eliminate MVS 4b - ? Chapel Porth
Psychosis VD - ? Hell's Mouth
Paranoia E3 5b * 1 ? Hell's Mouth
316 e, 122 stars 307 462m 192
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