Contributed by Sid Sherborne Jul/18 - This public ticklist has been seen 906 times

Things worth climbing and which stay clean. In crag order from left to right.
The Barrel Slap Problem is a personal fave.

Follow the red line!  © Joe Harding
Follow the red line!
© Joe Harding, May 2018

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Harry trying the classic at Bell Hagg

Lurcher Direct
Harry trying the classic at Bell Hagg
© kareylarey

Follow the red line!

Marjorie’s Roof
Follow the red line!
© Joe Harding

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Bell Hagg Tricks f6A+ * 3 ? Bell Hagg
Marjorie’s Roof f5 * 4 ? Bell Hagg
Church Tower M 18 ? Bell Hagg
Amen Corner VD 42 ? Bell Hagg
Low f6A+ * 127 ? Bell Hagg
Len's Edges f6B ** 83 ? Bell Hagg
Len's Areet, Sit-start V3 52 ? Bell Hagg
Monk's Bulge f5 * 89 ? Bell Hagg
Nunn's Eliminate f6A+ ** 97 ? Bell Hagg
Nunn's Right f6A+ ** 84 ? Bell Hagg
Hangman's Arête Direct Start VS 5b 25 7m Bell Hagg
Phlegm VS 5a 34 ? Bell Hagg
Rodger's Arête f5 35 ? Bell Hagg
Banner's Ridge f5 * 76 ? Bell Hagg
The Brig E1 5c * 34 ? Bell Hagg
Brown's Unmentionable HVS 5a ** 59 ? Bell Hagg
Lurcher Direct f6B ** 96 ? Bell Hagg
Lurcher's Nose Front f6A * 37 ? Bell Hagg
Sitdown Groove f6B 21 ? Bell Hagg
The Barrel Slap Problem V4 20 ? Bell Hagg
1 e, 17 stars 1,036 7m 20
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