Contributed by MalcolmJack Aug/18 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,599 times

"This excellent circuit makes the most of the edge but is quite spaced out. The poorer problems & highballs have been omitted but you can add those to extend it a bit. The little quarry has plenty to get going on, then the next couple are by avalanche wall, before a final cluster by moon buttress and the cioch top boulders. It is listed from right to left in the book." - Rockfax

Sneaking in a quick sunset boulder at Curbar. Rory being spotted by Sam and his massive shadow.  © Dawn_K_B
Sneaking in a quick sunset boulder at Curbar. Rory being spotted by Sam and his massive shadow.
© Dawn_K_B, Nov 2018

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1st griff90 80% 14 May, 2023
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4th Lucy Bentley 12% 16 Mar

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Maisy's first outdoor lead

Left Eliminette
Maisy's first outdoor lead
© Lena Drapella

Curbar inversion

Curbar Corner
Curbar inversion
© 1234None

Ian on Curbar Corner

Curbar Corner
Ian on Curbar Corner
© M Trouse

Jamie throwing shapes on Little Stiffer

Little Stiffer
Jamie throwing shapes on Little Stiffer
© JoeFoster59

The dynamic start of Little Stiffer

Little Stiffer
The dynamic start of Little Stiffer
© mop449

Eric at t' chippy

Eric at t' chippy
© andyblain

Sneaking in a quick sunset boulder at Curbar. Rory being spotted by Sam and his massive shadow.

The Sketch
Sneaking in a quick sunset boulder at Curbar. Rory being spotted by Sam and his massive shadow.
© Dawn_K_B

Lovely Corner

Little Stiffer
Lovely Corner
© rtinma

Chippy on a lovely autumn day

Chippy on a lovely autumn day
© Sam Cooke

Jamie on Curbar Corner

Curbar Corner
Jamie on Curbar Corner
© JoeFoster

Nobody puts baby in Curbar corner

Curbar Corner
Nobody puts baby in Curbar corner
© Deezel65

Jack Barrett climbing Fishy on a beautiful day

Jack Barrett climbing Fishy on a beautiful day
© Ian Barrett

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Curved Rib f3 604 ? Curbar Edge
One Inch Crack f3 706 ? Curbar Edge
Dressed Right f4 347 ? Curbar Edge
Dressed Arête f6A * 493 ? Curbar Edge
Chimney Crack f5 * 529 ? Curbar Edge
Ledge Wall f3+ 682 ? Curbar Edge
Thin Flake f4 * 565 ? Curbar Edge
The Sketch f4 * 254 ? Curbar Edge
Front On f3+ * 468 ? Curbar Edge
Fishy f4 * 550 ? Curbar Edge
Chippy f5+ * 466 ? Curbar Edge
Curbar Corner f5 *** 592 ? Curbar Edge
Little Stiffer f6A * 252 ? Curbar Edge
Ringworm f5+ ** 302 ? Curbar Edge
Trench Hole f4+ * 281 ? Curbar Edge
Left Eliminette f5+ * 51 ? Curbar Edge
Right Eliminette f5+ * 38 ? Curbar Edge
Button Moon f5+ ** 154 ? Curbar Edge
Left Arête f4 * 89 ? Curbar Edge
Crispy Roof f5 * 80 ? Curbar Edge
Chekov f4+ * 148 ? Curbar Edge
Scotty f4 * 136 ? Curbar Edge
Bones f3 132 ? Curbar Edge
Uhuru f5+ * 85 ? Curbar Edge
Sulu f3+ 86 ? Curbar Edge
23 stars 8,090 ? 25
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