Contributed by Jeromeg Jul/18 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,225 times

A list of all the 8a and up DWS lines in the UK, no linkups. Let me know if there are any more

7 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Ed morris 33% 21 Jul, 2023
2nd Hidden 25% 13 Sep, 2023
3rd _m.cox_ 16% 27 Sep, 2020
4th Owen Diba 8% 31 Aug, 2020

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Matt  cox's try hard face!

Matt cox's try hard face!
© yan hawkins

Cailean climbing Jaws

Cailean climbing Jaws
© Cailean Harker

Cutlass, 8a/8a+, Streaky Wall, Rainbow Bridge Cliff, Berry Head

Cutlass, 8a/8a+, Streaky Wall, Rainbow Bridge Cliff, Berry Head
© Brian H

Hazel Findlay on Sam Simian, E8 6c, Hollow Caves Bay, Pembroke

San Simian
Hazel Findlay on Sam Simian, E8 6c, Hollow Caves Bay, Pembroke
© Emma Alsford

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Adrenochrome 8a *** 69 15m Lulworth
The Wizard 8a *** 8 12m Penally East
Olympiad 8b *** 3 12m Skrinkle Haven
Excalibur 8a *** 10 12m Lydstep Cavern Bay
Cutlass 8a S1 *** 34 15m Berry Head - The...
Christine 8a S2 ** 9 17m Long Quarry Point
Jaws 8a *** 12 12m Broad Haven
San Simian E8 6c *** 3 40m Hollow Caves Bay
Hydrotherapy 8a+ ** - ? Hollow Caves Bay
Pollinator 8a *** - 15m Skrinkle Haven
The Heel Hook Look 8a S0 *** 5 16m The Diamond
The Tide is High (But I'm Holding On) 8a+ S1 *** 2 ? The Diamond
8 e, 34 stars 155 166m 12
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