Contributed by Ciaranunderscoretolan Feb/20 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,408 times

A collection of the best slab climbs from the North of England

An original Underwood whole-plate camera in action. One used by the Abraham Brothers  © petegunn
An original Underwood whole-plate camera in action. One used by the Abraham Brothers
Henry Iddon, Oct 2016
© petegunn

15 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Bloke on a Rope 58% 24 May
2nd whispering nic 29% Dec, 2002
3rd Ciaranunderscoretolan 19% 21 Oct, 2021
4th Jon Tweedlie 16% 23 Apr, 2022
5th IRad 12% 24 Mar, 2021
6th jasperray 9% 31 Jan
6th Hidden 9% 5 Nov, 2023
7th Edshakey 6% 25 Nov, 2023
7th Hidden 6% 9 Jul, 2022
7th olliemartin 6% 18 May

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.

Botterill's Slab
Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.
© JohnHartley

Ciaran wobbling through the 'headgame crux' of One Step Beyond (he didn't find it hard he just always wobbles)

One Step Beyond
Ciaran wobbling through the 'headgame crux' of One Step Beyond (he didn't find it hard he just always wobbles)
© mattjoynson

Wee Bobby casually soloing for the guidebook pics.

Poseidon Adventure
Wee Bobby casually soloing for the guidebook pics.
© andybirtwistle

Esther Foster warming up on Bloodhound.

Esther Foster warming up on Bloodhound.
© Tom McNally

Whatever does,nt kill you makes you stranger!!!!!

Whatever does,nt kill you makes you stranger!!!!!
© Russell Lovett

Bob jumping off the Poseidon Adventure circa 1979

Poseidon Adventure
Bob jumping off the Poseidon Adventure circa 1979
© SteveSBlake

Leo Houlding on-sighting Strangeness, E7 6c, Caley

Leo Houlding on-sighting Strangeness, E7 6c, Caley
© Adam Long

Esther Foster in full control on One Step Beyond.

One Step Beyond
Esther Foster in full control on One Step Beyond.
© Tom McNally

Jade emerging from the mist on Botterill's Slab

Botterill's Slab
Jade emerging from the mist on Botterill's Slab
© JohnHartley

Franco Cookson the classic Strangeness Mono move.

Franco Cookson the classic Strangeness Mono move.
© Russell Lovett

Richard Gage on The Witch, Back Bowden Doors, Northumberland.

The Witch
Richard Gage on The Witch, Back Bowden Doors, Northumberland.
© Russell Lovett

Ian Henderson off Strangeness, Caley Crags.

Ian Henderson off Strangeness, Caley Crags.
© Russell Lovett

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Permutation Rib E1 5c ** 231 ? Caley Crags
Pork Chop Slab f5+ * 731 ? Almscliff
Noonday Ridge E1 5b *** 217 ? Caley Crags
The Black Chipper E2 5b *** 311 12m Brimham Rocks
Acme Wall E3 6a * 244 7m Brimham Rocks
'Arries 'Ook E4 6a ** 95 13m Almscliff
Pebble Wall f6C+ *** 563 ? Almscliff
The Full Throttle E4 6b *** 12 13m Dovestones (Ravens...
Knapper E5 6b * 1 15m Dovestones (Ravens...
Adrenaline Rush E5 6b *** 90 10m Caley Crags
Psycho E5 6b *** 100 ? Caley Crags
Slip 'n' Slide E6 6a *** 48 8m Crookrise
Strangeness E7 6c 20 ? Caley Crags
Syrett's Saunter/Pebble Wall f7B+ * 92 ? Caley Crags
Scary Canary f7B+ * 46 ? Caley Crags
Terry f7C * 9 ? Caley Crags
Serious Saunterin' f8A *** - 6m Caley Crags
The Sorcerer E1 5c *** 200 ? Back Bowden Doors
The Witch E2 5b *** 320 ? Back Bowden Doors
Poseidon Adventure E4 6a *** 57 ? Bowden Doors
Peak Technique E6 6b *** 29 ? Back Bowden Doors
Softly Softly f7A 30 ? Callerhues
A Northern Soul f7A+ *** 269 ? Hepburn
Crouching the Mahogany E5 6b ** 15 8m Callerhues
Hat Full of Hollows f7B+ ** 9 ? Queens Crag
Looking Good Feeling Great f7B+ - ? Callerhues
The Governor f7C *** 21 4m Hepburn
Botterill's Slab VS 4c *** 794 87m • 3 Scafell Crag
Bloodhound E2 5b *** 394 37m Gouther Crags
Glass Slipper E2 5b *** 922 ? Black Crag (Wrynose)
One Step Beyond E4 6a *** 148 ? Gouther Crags
69 e, 68 stars 6,018 220m 33
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