Contributed by Mr. Lee Jul/18 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,274 times

Abseil from I Andra Hand  © jim jones
Abseil from I Andra Hand
© jim jones, May 2016

7 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 31% 27 Jul, 2019
2nd Mathias Willerup 26% 23 May, 2023
3rd Mr. Lee 21% 5 Jun, 2022
4th Hidden 5% 5 Jun, 2021
4th TheFasting 5% 28 May, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Abseil from I Andra Hand

I andra hand
Abseil from I Andra Hand
© jim jones

Eszter on her way up Offline

Eszter on her way up Offline
© HB

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Sjökorna n3 6 10m Smögen
Sex i smyg n4 3 20m Ulorna
Stackande Myror n5- * 3 10m Hunnebo Klåva
Fellessprekken n5+ 1 15m Stuveröd
I andra hand n5+ ** 38 50m • 2 Hallinden
Jamspricka #4 n6- 5 18m Skälefjäll
The Abyss n6- ** 6 10m Bjorkberget
Ettan n6 *** 27 55m Hallinden
Storebror n6 *** - 35m Välseröd
En Bökig Historia Inne i Hörnet n6+ - 15m Välseröd
Nostalgi n6+ 1 25m Svaneberget, Lysekil
Gulag n6+ 2 30m • 2 Välseröd
Skrubbsår n6+ ** 2 8m Hunnebo Klåva
Grymt Slut n7- - 35m Burasen
Offline n7 *** 5 15m Häller
Laybacksprickan n7 2 15m Bjorkberget
Torsketaket n7+ *** 6 30m • 2 Välseröd
Svenska Balettskolan n8- - 27m Ulorna
Presenten n8 - 15m Välseröd
19 stars 107 438m 22
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