Contributed by Elodie Oct/17 - This public ticklist has been seen 827 times

Sport- DWS - Multipitch

Aqua Phobia - took me one hour of climbing to reach here.  © Richard Goodey
Aqua Phobia - took me one hour of climbing to reach here.
© Richard Goodey, Aug 2023

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1st Hidden 8% 3 Nov, 2019

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Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Aqua Phobia - took me one hour of climbing to reach here.

Aqua Phobia
Aqua Phobia - took me one hour of climbing to reach here.
© Richard Goodey


Aqua Phobia
© maddogdave

Start, left to right (missing main section)

Aqua Phobia
Start, left to right (missing main section)
© boman1882

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
El bandido de un brazo 6a ** 221 30m S'estret
Tight Slab 6a+ * 140 10m S'estret
Red Stain 6b+ ** 107 15m S'estret
La Xancia de Ghandi 6a+ ** 123 ? S'estret
Bombay Bicycle Club 6c *** 133 ? S'estret
Con El Puno Por Debajo 6a ** 108 ? Caimari
Xorixapes 6a+ ** 64 ? Caimari
Enanismo emocional 6b * 58 ? Caimari
Via morito 6b+ *** 157 ? Caimari
Las bolas del chino L1 6b+ ** 88 ? Caimari
Llum de Lluna 6b ** 17 216m • 5 Sa Gubia
Aqua Phobia 6c ** 22 ? Port De Soller (DWS)
24 stars 1,238 271m 16
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