Contributed by Rusty Grylls May/20 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,175 times

Eastern end of West Buttress, Middle Hope, Sand Bay   © Mayaculpa
Eastern end of West Buttress, Middle Hope, Sand Bay
© Mayaculpa, Dec 2013

10 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and 2 have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Dunthemall 100% 11 Apr, 2021
1st Hidden 100% 4 Jun, 2023
2nd Dom Goodwin 73% 25 Aug, 2022
3rd steve_gibbs 70% 5 Jan, 2022
3rd leland stamper 70% 13 Apr
4th mikej 53% 28 Sep, 2020
5th Annalise 29% 25 Aug, 2022
6th Hidden 17% 27 Jan
7th Rusty Grylls 9% 22 Mar, 2018

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Easy traversing at Brean

Easy traversing at Brean
© BStar

Martin leading Eve's Drop traverse at Fort Crags, Brean Down, Somerset,

Eve's Drop
Martin leading Eve's Drop traverse at Fort Crags, Brean Down, Somerset,
© Manton

Fun times above a choppy sea and rushing tide

Eve's Drop
Fun times above a choppy sea and rushing tide
© gooberman-hill

Hard to hold, Sand point

Hard to Hold/Slab Cracks
Hard to hold, Sand point
© duffer

Great value for the grade!

Great value for the grade!
© mkirkham

Eavesdrop Brean Down

Eavesdrop Brean Down
© Deako

Soloing Eavesdrop on an incoming tide

Soloing Eavesdrop on an incoming tide
© Kate Midgley

General view of Shelter Chimney area

Shelter Chimney
General view of Shelter Chimney area
© Mayaculpa

Position of Eblana just right of Shelter Chimney

Position of Eblana just right of Shelter Chimney
© Mayaculpa

Location of Eve's Drop

Eve's Drop
Location of Eve's Drop
© Mayaculpa

Daisies of the World Unite, topo

Daisies of the World Unite
Daisies of the World Unite, topo
© Mayaculpa

Outline of western end of Fort Crags

Light at the end of the Runnel
Outline of western end of Fort Crags
© Mayaculpa

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Band Camp HVD 7 8m Sand Point
Central Eliminate HVD 9 12m Sand Point
Clodhopper / Instructors Groove HD 12 8m Sand Point
Terrorist VD 69 10m Sand Point
Poor Man's Pembroke VD 84 8m Sand Point
This One Time VD 12 8m Sand Point
Tobruk VD 26 9m Sand Point
Amandla Wetu/Wider Horizons D 23 9m Sand Point
Nelson D 59 10m Sand Point
Rolihlahla D 42 10m Sand Point
Freedom Fighter D 48 10m Sand Point
Long Walk to Freedom D 60 10m Sand Point
Diff Cliff D 66 10m Sand Point
Diff Cliff Slab D 68 8m Sand Point
Kate Sea Moss D 96 10m Sand Point
Hard to Hold/Slab Cracks M 95 8m Sand Point
Fork in the Road/Grey Edge S 65 8m Sand Point
Mysterious Barricades D 48 8m Sand Point
Tourbillon D 19 18m Sand Point
Scurvy Linear D 20 7m Sand Point
Happy as a Sandboy M 26 8m Sand Point
Al Iberto M 84 7m Sand Point
Sand Point Doggers M 19 6m Sand Point
Saint Crispian M 12 6m Sand Point
Points End Crack M 21 6m Sand Point
Barnacle grip M 17 3m Sand Point
Light at the end of the Runnel D 26 10m Brean Down (Fort...
Daisies of the World Unite D 22 10m Brean Down (Fort...
Kate's Escape D 23 10m Brean Down (Fort...
Rapparee D 22 12m Brean Down (Fort...
Dry Land VD 38 10m Brean Down (Fort...
The Craic of Doom HD 15 10m Brean Down (Fort...
Shelter Chimney VD 24 20m • 2 Brean Down (Fort...
Eblana VD 16 15m Brean Down (Fort...
Furry Lees VD 10 22m Brean Down (Fort...
Finger Crack (Right) D 64 12m Brean Down (Fort...
Eve's Drop VD ** 75 27m Brean Down (Fort...
Curving Crack VD * 54 ? Brean Down (Fort...
Eavesdrop VD 72 ? Brean Down (Fort...
Red Slab Crack VD * 111 ? Brean Down (Fort...
Red Wall Crack (Right) VD 54 ? Brean Down (Fort...
4 stars 1,733 383m 42
Users who have completed the full list are:
Hidden, Dunthemall
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