Contributed by Jacob Jutrem Apr/18 - This public ticklist has been seen 1,814 times

Best/classic crack and trad climbs around Oslo

One of the classic easier crack lines in the Oslo area  © Lee Harrison
One of the classic easier crack lines in the Oslo area
© Lee Harrison, Oct 2016

10 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st yakov 65% 28 Jun
2nd Jacob Jutrem 47% 21 May, 2020
3rd Mr. Lee 34% 11 Jun
4th Hidden 17% 30 Jul, 2022
5th Nikolay C.K. Tjøstheim 8% 20 Aug, 2016
5th TheFasting 8% 2019
5th andersrj 8% Sep, 2022

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist


© Jacob Jutrem

One of the classic easier crack lines in the Oslo area

One of the classic easier crack lines in the Oslo area
© Lee Harrison

Climber on the upper part

Climber on the upper part
© Nikolay C.K. Tjøstheim

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Kontoristen n7+ *** 4 ? Damtjern
Fandens Hekletøy n6+ *** 13 30m Kolsås
Bolterisset n6 *** 8 ? Kolsås
Pinus n5+ *** 24 25m Fjell
Fenriss n7+ *** 3 ? Fjell
Harde tider n8- *** - ? Fjell
Fingra Fra Kanten n7 ** 3 12m Damtjern
Cool Hand Luke n6+ *** 8 ? Damtjern
Klidøl'n n5+ *** 11 22m Damtjern
Viskøse fingre n7- *** 4 ? Hauktjern
Olavsrisset n6 ** 38 ? Hauktjern
Det gylne snitt n8- *** - ? Hauktjern
Suser avgårde n8- *** 7 ? Hellerud
Kvinner og barn først n8+ *** - ? Bergflødt
Vandrefalken n9- - 50m Askfjell
Knehøna n6+ ** 3 ? Lahell
Kalde Fingre n6- *** 9 ? Lahell
Lennon n7+ *** - ? Fjell
Catalonia n6+ *** 11 ? Hauktjern
Svett engel n7- *** - ? Jarberget
Hollywood n4+ *** 60 25m Kolsås
80-tallshelter n5 *** 18 12m Sandbakken
I ungdommens makt n7+ ** 1 ? Fjell
62 stars 225 176m 23
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