Contributed by Jonathan_Horton Sep/20 - This public ticklist has been seen 599 times

Hard or impressively scary slab over pads

Teetering up Winsome as the sun dissolves the earth  © Mike_d78
Teetering up Winsome as the sun dissolves the earth
© Mike_d78, Aug 2018

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1st Jonathan_Horton 12% 12 Mar, 2020

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

The Nadser

The Nadser
© Sean Bell

Reaching a bit further, The Nadser, Kyloe.

The Nadser
Reaching a bit further, The Nadser, Kyloe.
© Sean Bell

Eddie Barbour bouldering in the evening, on The Nadser at Kyloe.

The Nadser
Eddie Barbour bouldering in the evening, on The Nadser at Kyloe.
© Sean Bell

unknown climbers looking for friction at the Roaches

Boba Fett
unknown climbers looking for friction at the Roaches
© le t

Woodland Destruction After the Storm

The Nadser
Woodland Destruction After the Storm
© Will Rupp

Teetering up Winsome as the sun dissolves the earth

Teetering up Winsome as the sun dissolves the earth
© Mike_d78

Dave on Ron's Slab

Ron's Slab
Dave on Ron's Slab
© Tom Holdsworth

The Nadser - Font 7b+

The Nadser
The Nadser - Font 7b+
© Beardyman

Penny crimping a hold that is barely a hold on The Nadser

The Nadser
Penny crimping a hold that is barely a hold on The Nadser
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

Michele Caminati, Ron's Slab

Ron's Slab
Michele Caminati, Ron's Slab
© Paul B

Fontesque slab climbing in the County

The Nadser
Fontesque slab climbing in the County
© CameronDotSmith

Boba Fett with great summer clouds

Boba Fett
Boba Fett with great summer clouds
© davidj

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Syrett's Saunter/Pebble Wall f7B+ * 92 ? Caley Crags
The Governor f7C *** 21 4m Hepburn
The Governor's Hole f7C *** 1 4m Hepburn
Ron's Slab f7B+ ** 14 ? Stanage Plantation
Ron's Slab II f7B ** 56 ? Stanage Plantation
Winsome f7A+ *** 25 ? Wimberry Rocks
The Nadser f7B+ * 111 ? Kyloe-in-the-woods...
Boba Fett f7B+ *** 6 ? Roaches Lower Tier
18 stars 326 8m 8
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