Pembroke DWS Fest and Gower Bouldering Wiki

After a question on the forums by Wilbur ( profile) "Is it happening this year? Anyone know the likely dates?" (see thread ) We got the following message from Mike Weeks, the festival organiser ( profile):

"The Pembroke Deep Water Soling Festival is taking place in August. We will confirm the exact weekend and place on our new X1 website, probably at the end of July. This year's sponsors are Fatface.

We'll be holding a nighttime speed competition for twelve climbers on the Saturday evening and an enduro (tick all of the routes on a list) competition during the day. Saturday night of course is a big party, hopefully with the RedBull sound system and a BBQ.

Sunday is the usual free-for-all but we have a new crag in North Pembroke that is 35ft high, overhanging and has twenty odd routes. It's perfect for climbing with a hangover!

More details as I said, on the X1 site in July. The site is currently down but should be up and running within a month."

In other seaside climbing antics, Alun Evans ( profile), maybe following the lead of the "Gogarth peoples' online guidebook" (website), has set up a similar online interactive guide for bouldering west of Swansea, Wales, at the can get Wiki-ing at

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