Nuptse, Everest and Lhotse for Cool and Gylgen

© Cool Collection
Kenton Cool and Dorje Gylgen have climbed the three Himalayan Giants; Nuptse, Everest and Lhotse back to back in just three days.

Dorje Gylgen and Kenton Cool at Everest Basecamp prior to setting off on their 'Triple'
© Cool Collection

Updates direct from Kenton via satellite phone on the Sherpa Adventure Gear Facebook Page have kept fans up to date over the weekend:


"The ultimate three peaks challenge has really begun. Nuptse has been done. I repeat Nuptse has been done a few hours ago. Now in the South Col. All comms out other than satphone. Planning to summit Everest tonight at 02h00 London time. Lhotse in early hours of Monday London time. Everything going well. Tell everyone thank you for their support"


"02h00 local time: summited Everest for 11th time. Changed plan and went hard early, Dorje Gylgen and I took bare essentials and made it to roof of world in total darkness. We challenged each other all the way and can't say who won. Disappointment of being early and not seeing sun rise made good with privilege of sitting alone in absolute silence with my friend just as I've always think Hilary and Tenzing did. Dorje and I laughed at the stupidity of our small head-torches beaming into nothing. This is half time only. Back in South Col. Lhotse is on for tonight. Nuptse and Everest are done. We're feeling strong. We're going for it"


"Lhotse has been summited. Descent hard. Now at camp 2 for the night. Three summits in three days. Nuptse, Everest, Lhotse. The finishing line of base camp is in sight."

Today: Tuesday - on Kenton Cool's Facebook Page:

"Back down in BC totally shattered like never before after a week in high mountains. Will update with photos it's rest."

This is the first time the massive 'Triple Crown' has been climbed back to back like this, and Kenton and Dorje had excellent conditions for their triple ascent.

We spoke direct to Kenton at Basecamp a few weeks ago, and he told us he was keen to highlight the glacial retreat around Everest Basecamp. We hope to have more on the triple summit and more in general from Kenton and Dorje in the next few days.

In the meantime:

  • You can read an excellent report on this amazing achievement on the BMC Website.

Kenton Cool is sponsored by Sherpa Adventure Gear, Lyon Equipment, Bremont, Land Rover


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19 May, 2013
I just clicked on Facebook to, in effect, wish him luck and was astonished by his reply. What I'm interested to find is how many thousand feet of ascent and descent will have been involved in the whole round trip to EBC.
19 May, 2013
up Nuptse, travese over Lhotse, down to the South Col, up Everest and down the N Ridge.
19 May, 2013
I'm wondering whether what this triple ascent by Kenton amounts to is a recce for exactly this project in the future. There will be very few people in the world who have looked along the L - N connecting ridge at close quarters in both directions. He'll also now know the Nupste ascent and the Lhotse descent.
19 May, 2013
The Everest Horseshoe All 14 8000ers in a year
19 May, 2013
The Nuptse-Lhotse traverse is a monster, the only thing that remotely compares to it would be the Mazeno Ridge on Nanga Parbat, though this one is even higher and possibly longer. Certainly one of the biggest challenges left for the upcoming generation! Incidentally, I am not sure I understand how Kenton could summit Nuptse and be back at the south col on the same day. Did he go down all the way to C1 and ascend the Lhotse face back up? That would be a pretty amazing feat in itself.
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