Iron Curtain - Another 9b by Ondra at Flatanger

© Petr Pavlícek

Adam Ondra on a new 9a/+, Hell, Norway  © Petr Pavlícek
Adam Ondra on a new 9a/+, Hell, Norway
© Petr Pavlícek

Adam Ondra has made the first ascent of Iron Curtain, a line bolted last year by Lars Audun Nornes in Hanshelleren, Flatanger, Norway.

Lars Audun is one of these guys who works hard finding, cleaning and bolting lines that he often knows he will never be able to climb himself. A true hero.
Adam also bolted a number of 9b lines himself earlier this year, but so far he hasn't had a fair chance to do any of them.

According to film maker Petr Pavlicek, who is with Adam shooting video and stills, the weather has been very warm for their trip to Norway, making hard climbing more or less impossible. Until now that is.

Petr informed us that as well as his new 9b on the granite of Flatanger,  Adam made the first ascent of an old project at the limestone crag Hell. Hell is the major local crag to Trondheim, around 2 and a half hours south of the huge granite cave of Flatanger. Apparently the 9a/+ route has a very hard crux weighing in around 8B right at the start and then hard, but probably slightly easier, climbing leads to the top.

Adam Ondra is sponsored by: Black Diamond, Montura, Entre Prises, La Sportiva, Beal and Hudy Sports

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5 Aug, 2013
well done Adam
5 Aug, 2013
It's a real sign of the times when a guy climbs 9b and after 24 hours, there's only 1 comment. I suppose we've come to expect nothing less from Mr Ondra these days!
5 Aug, 2013
Errr .. is it me .... or was that the most confusing news post ??? so ... was it 9b or 9a+ ... and which line was it anyway ....... confused ... and not really arsed ....
6 Aug, 2013
Iron Curtain is the 9b. The 9a/+ was on another limestone crag, Hell. Well done, Adam, great effort as always.
6 Aug, 2013
This post excerpt is pulling in the thumbnail from the Briancon WC article, for me at least. (Chrome 28, Mac.)
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