Blokfest Mile EndReport

© Simon Fowler

Here Gaz Parry gives us the lowdown on the latest Blokfest competition...

It doesn't seem two minutes since we finished last season but it looks like Blokfest has hit the ground running this year. The first round at Mile End was an absolute smash hit. Over 400 climbers turned out to pit their wits, skills and strength against the usual setting team of Mike Langley, Alex Lemel, Kornelija Howick, Rock On Dom and myself.

This event possibly represents the biggest boulder event ever held in the UK and even surpassing the mighty CWIF it not only represents how popular indoor climbing is now but just how much of a fun vibe and experience an event like this can create and be accessible to all.

Belinda Fuller in her first Blokfest final  © Simon Fowler
Belinda Fuller in her first Blokfest final
© Simon Fowler

In the morning youth teams from all over southern England wreaked havoc to the boulders, smiles were everywhere and not only were the kids buzzing but so were the coaches and parents too. As the adults kicked off there was a small overlap with the kids and what can only be described as organised chaos engulfed Mile End. The atmosphere was amazing, so much support for all and loads of team work between all meant that the chaos just ran like clockwork.

Matt Cousins putting in a great performance  © Simon Fowler
Matt Cousins putting in a great performance
© Simon Fowler

The kids finished and we dished out some great prizes from our sponsors. Red Chilli were there all day as round sponsor and on hand to run their boot demo, big up to Mark for this and the Chilli team for making the kids smile.

This year we have also been joined by DMM and Marmot as series sponsors. Alex from DMM and Liam from Marmot have been working closely with the Blokfest team to bring you the best bouldering events possible and if this one is anything to go by we are going to have a hard time to raise the bar at the next event on the 16th November at The Westway.

Close but no cigar this time for Jon Partridge  © Simon Fowler
Close but no cigar this time for Jon Partridge
© Simon Fowler

At 5pm the bell tolled and it was time to count the scores ready for the finals. A fast change over, spot lights switched on and the Blokfest DJ's cranked up the sound ready for the top 6 men and wmn to raise their crush level to outer space.

A fantastic final with some whopping performances found GB Boulder Team members Ben West and Michaela Tracy sitting on the top of the tree.

New GB team member LouisParkinson making the campus look easy  © Simon Fowler
New GB team member LouisParkinson making the campus look easy
© Simon Fowler

Next Events

  • Westway 16th November Grivel/Scarpa
  • Reading 1st December Madrock
  • The Depot Nottingham 19th January Scarpa/Grivel
  • The Castle 16th Febuary Evolv/Metolius

MORE INFO: Blokfest Website

Blokfest is sponsored by: Beastmaker, Boot Bananas, DMM, Five Finger Thing, Holdz, Marmot, Pump Volumes, Red Chili, Rock On, Evolv, Metolius and Volx

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11 Nov, 2013
11 Nov, 2013
See now, all those people whinging about the Women's Symposium needn't have worried, now we have Blokefest.
11 Nov, 2013
Yes, that's how I keep seeing it.
11 Nov, 2013
Ditto. I read Blokefest and thought this was going to be a spoof thread so opened for amusement.
-) You should have gone for a more intricate wind up Gaz.
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