Flatanger Climbing with Anna Wild and Pete DawsonFri Night Vid

© MonoCulture Films

In this week's Friday Night Video, Anna Wild and Pete Dawson head on their first trip to Flatanager where they quickly get stuck into the steep and powerful granite climbing. We follow their process as they work on their projects and learn about their training, motivations, and climbing styles. 

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3 Feb

From his comment right at the end it sounds as if Pete's ideal training facility is the 'Smorgas Board'™.

4 Feb

Hmmm, giving away your training secret, Ian...

4 Feb

Looks like gneiss rather than granite. UKC logbooks also state gneiss.

Isn't gneiss a form of granite?

8 Feb

Short answer: not really

Longer answer: lots of gneiss is formed from the the recrystalisation of granite, so it can have granitic origins (but wouldn't really be defined as a granite) but some gneiss is formed from sedimentary rocks. You need to look at the mineralogy to tell. I've no idea about the geology of Flananger.

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