Traci Lords Sit 8B+ by Aidan Roberts

© UKC News

18 year-old Aidan Roberts from Ambleside has made the second ascent of John Gaskins' Traci Lords SDS (f8B) 8B+ at the Lad Stones, Coniston Boulders.



The problem is a pure line of small holds and tension moves. The sit moves are the crux and add only two moves to the stand, but are very low percentage and powerful, including a small right hand two-finger crimp.

Aidan told UKC:

'Linking these moves leaves a tired right hand for an otherwise relatively easy stand (about 7C/+) but a nice victory swing all the same. The problem has been made easier since a hold break on the left hand stand start holds but I think the grade of 8B+ feels fair, we’ll see with time.'

Aidan had previously had two short sessions on the problem using different beta involving a heel hook. At the end of the second session, he found a more basic method that suited him better, but was far more finger intensive.

He added:

'Good weather is rare at the moment so I was keen to get it done between the rains, after about two hours I had three good goes where I dropped the last move twice before topping it. It’s nice to get such a historic problem done regardless of its history of past ascents.'

Later in the day, Aidan also established a logical start to Manpower, weighing in at 8B as well as flashing Booze Cruise 8A.

In 2015, Aidan became European Champion following a win in the European Youth Bouldering Championships in L'Argentière-la-Bessée, France (UKC News Report). In the same year, he made the third ascent of Neil Gresham's Freakshow 8c at Malham Cove as his first 'proper' sport route! (UKC News Report).

Aidan is sponsored by: Beastmaker, Eden Rock, La Sportiva, The North Face, Petzl and Useful Coach

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8 Mar, 2017
Fantastic. The UK definitely seems to have a good handful of really talented young climbers now. The grade is interesting though. So Gaskins gave it 8b. It's got easier and now thought 8b+. Wonder what that says about his 8b+s ? When was it first done?
8 Mar, 2017
Really cool to see a Gaskins problem get repeated. I was always suspicious he was ahead of his time in difficulty. I still want to see VNB get repeated by some mutant.
9 Mar, 2017
It's a very impressive effort. I've done the stand to that which is now actually not that hard, the sit however is brutal, those lower holds are awful and it didn't seem remotely possible to me as a f7B/7C climber, just shows the next level ability this kid has.
9 Mar, 2017
good to see Traci Lords stock is still high with the youth of today, she was on some of my most treasured VHS cassettes back in the 80's
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