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Everest and Lhotse from a Spitfire XIX
© Kenneth D Neame, Mar 1947
Camera used: Leica II
Date taken: 27th March 1947
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User Comments

from the North
pneame - 18/Jun/13
These are remarkable, he must have used a hand held camera from the cockpit. Somewhere in an archive there may lurk, forgotten and dusty, some survey imagery...
SteveSBlake - 18/Jun/13
A Leica II. He had a side camera on the plane which he used to get some pictures of the lower slopes of Kanchenjunga (this was his official job), but these were, shall we say, unauthorized. Not least because he was in Tibet some of the time, which was a closed country.
Which was why the interest moved from the N to the S for climbing Everest
pneame - 18/Jun/13
the Everest pictures were unauthorised, not the Kanchenjunga ones!
He went back to Kanchenjunga the next day to get a ton of official photos, as these were (a) somewhat urgent, and (b) as good as it was going to get for a while.
pneame - 18/Jun/13
Absolutely stunning. Particularly like the tip of the spitfire bottom left. Another valuable historic picture. To think, somewhere down there lie mallory and Irvine. Another one for the Alpine club archive!
Chris63 - 18/Jun/13
Alpenchris. That will be bottom right.
estivoautumnal - 19/Jun/13
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added June 18 2013.
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