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Mountain Bikers and Parapentes on Rushup Edge, High Peak
© Colin Wells, Dec 2007
Camera used: Canon Ixus 750
Date taken: 13th December 2007
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VOTING: from 101 votes
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User Comments

this is definitely a picture that I'd be very chuffed to have got. Lovely stuff!
CJD - 14/Dec/07
Jus - 14/Dec/07
That's a brilliant picture.
andi turner - 15/Dec/07
blimey - with a 'point and shoot' as well! no excuses for me any more
grumsta - 15/Dec/07
blimey, with a 'point and shoot' as well! no excuses for me any more
grumsta - 15/Dec/07
very dreamy
maresia - 16/Dec/07
stunning. did you do anything to the settings at all?
SI A - 16/Dec/07
Yes, very nice indeed. Good ambiance.
The clonebrush work in the grass is a little too evident, though. An idea is to clone some grass further away. Or maybe even from a different shot.
Michael Hjorth - 17/Dec/07
amazing piccy.
i was hoping i was one of those bikers, as was riding that day there. beautiful.
Adders - 17/Dec/07
Sorry, but to me it just looks way too edited.
Phil Anderson - 17/Dec/07
Wow, thats me flying the left-hand paraglider! More pics of the day here:
Mat S - 18/Dec/07
Stunning. The benthic levels are out of balance and the diastolic pentameter tool has been applied with a somewhat heavy hand. Otherwise perfect.
DaveHK - 18/Dec/07
Well that just goes to show how poor the standards of judgment are here on UKC, the foreground and sky are so badly cloned, what a rubbish photo. Looking carefully you can clearly see there was only one parapente and it's a collage of several photos. The parapente closest to the middle is a cut out.
RocknRoll - 20/Dec/07
great pic and you just got your 100th vote thanks to me ! i luv mountain biking too so this is a fab pic for me!
pinkie - 22/Dec/07
I think its ace, What does it matter if its edited? If it wasnt edited it might not be any good to look at, and what is the point of an ugly photo?!?
benfaz - 28/Dec/07
i can't believe some of the comments here: "what a rubbish photo"...get a life guys. forget the analysis (with the emphasis on anal) and just enjoy the pic
jtree03 - 29/Dec/07
Hello everyone, thanks for all the nice words- I've been away (still am in fact) so hadn't realised this had generated so many comments. Just to put the record straight for the few photo-nerds who might be interested: the pic is a stitch panorama taken very quickly to catch the light, paragliders and bikers before they moved. Hence, I didn't quite get the line straight which is why a bit of the foreground rush and grass has been copied and pasted to fill in a horrible gap and likewise a little bit of sky. The second paraglider isn't a 'cut-out' (whatever one of those is), but it's possible it's the same guy who flew into the shot again while I snapped round the semi-panorama - there were definitely two gliders in the air but I was concentrating on getting the segments in the can rather than counting!). That's all the manipulation - settings etc are just what came out of the compact camera. I'm not a Pro so, yes, I imagine it will look crude to an expert, but I did it quickly sinceI thought it would be more useful for folk to see a pic of the current good walking and biking conditions quickly - I basically posted it for information, rather than admiration. But ta for the very nice comments nevertheless - they made my day! cheers, Col
Colin Wells - 30/Dec/07
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This picture is copyright. If you want to reproduce or otherwise re-use it, please email the photographer direct via their user profile. Photo added December 13 2007.
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