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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 10 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Pena de Fresnidiello, Peña Vieja, Torre de los Horcados Rojos, Porru Bolu, Pico Escamellau, Pico Faro, Peña Castil, Torre de Santa María, Peña Agujas, Pico San Carlos

Photo Gallery

Teaching your shadow to jam and torque

Teaching your shadow to jam and torque
© smoreda

Torrecerredo seen from the south (summit of Llambrión).

Torrecerredo seen from the south (summit of Llambrión).
© smoreda

Ropework when ropes don't pull

Ropework when ropes don't pull
© smoreda

Third pitch

Third pitch
© smoreda

Cloud inversion from the summit

Cloud inversion from the summit
© smoreda

Sickle Direct

Sickle Direct
© smoreda

Preparing for the crux

Preparing for the crux
© smoreda

Abseil direct from summit to 2nd belay

Abseil direct from summit to 2nd belay
© smoreda

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