Al Evans RIP

Al Evans, I live in Spain

Best Climbing Experience
Firtst ascent of NW Passage On South Stack, Goarth

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About My Photography
Was a pro cameraman for ITV for 40 years

Photo Gallery

Higher on the trek.

Higher on the trek.
© Al Evans

Prayer flags at the summit of Xegar Dzong, looking down at Xegar on the road to Everest North Base Camp.

Prayer flags at the summit of Xegar Dzong, looking down at Xegar on the road to Everest North Base Camp.
© Al Evans


© Al Evans

The Moon rising in the Himal.

The Moon rising in the Himal.
© Al Evans

Base Camp

Base Camp
© Al Evans

Lunakhod,Lower Sharpnose

Lunakhod,Lower Sharpnose
© Al Evans

Moon rising over the Himalayas

Moon rising over the Himalayas
© Al Evans

First ascent of Paternoster, Gully One, Rora Head, Hoy

First ascent of Paternoster, Gully One, Rora Head, Hoy
© Al Evans

Click to view Al Evans's gallery. (248 photos)
Chosen as the Featured Gallery on 14-Jan-08.
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Click to list photo comments written by me. (498 comments)
I've voted for 1,806 photos, average vote 3.7.
(15% superb - 48% good - 28% average - 4% poor - 3% rubbish)

Anything Else We Should Know
I;m a has been,, better thananever was I suoopse.

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