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Deep Water Solo 3

Deep Water Solo 3
© lasonj

Breaking into Heaven II/III

Breaking into Heaven II/III
© lasonj

Stob Dubh

Stob Dubh
© lasonj

Golden Oldy

Golden Oldy
© lasonj

Carnmore crag and Sgur na Laocainn from Loch Fionn

Carnmore crag and Sgur na Laocainn from Loch Fionn
© lasonj

Stob Coire nan Lochan

Stob Coire nan Lochan
© lasonj

Coire An t'Sneachda

Coire An t'Sneachda
© lasonj

Start of the East Ridge of Crib Goch

Start of the East Ridge of Crib Goch
© lasonj

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