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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 4 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Giggleswick South, Black Wars, Small Water Boulders, Whelp Stone Crag

Photo Gallery

Same route, different season. Bede giving it some on his quest to tick the Last Temptation.

Same route, different season. Bede giving it some on his quest to tick the Last Temptation.
© JohnHartley

The Full Shilling FA

The Full Shilling FA
© JohnHartley

Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.

Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.
© JohnHartley

Bede fighting on the Last Temptation

Bede fighting on the Last Temptation
© JohnHartley

Robbie topping out in the afternoon sun.

Robbie topping out in the afternoon sun.
© JohnHartley

Popular day at North Stack

Popular day at North Stack
© JohnHartley

Lucky Strike

Lucky Strike
© JadeBowling

Timo gunning for the top in the cloud

Timo gunning for the top in the cloud
© JohnHartley

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