Dexter JW

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Moderator for 1 crag, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: The Dewerstone

Photo Gallery

In between the snow showers during a briefly 'summery' moment on the Cuillin Ridge Traverse

In between the snow showers during a briefly 'summery' moment on the Cuillin Ridge Traverse
© Dexter JW

The not so thin, final pitch of Thin Wall Special, Bosigran.

The not so thin, final pitch of Thin Wall Special, Bosigran.
© Dexter JW

December solo of the trad/DWS route Stratagem... And that's at high tide

December solo of the trad/DWS route Stratagem... And that's at high tide
© FrancescaLCBellasis

Soloing The Hand Jam in between showers

Soloing The Hand Jam in between showers
© DexterJW

Making the most of last light on the fantastic Outward Bound.

Making the most of last light on the fantastic Outward Bound.
© Dexter JW

Enjoying the exposure on the Wen

Enjoying the exposure on the Wen
© Dexter JW

Setting off on the final pitch of the adventurous Xanadu

Setting off on the final pitch of the adventurous Xanadu
© Dexter JW

Pulling into the cracks of the steepening headwall of Stormy Weather, avoiding the Bank Holiday crowds.

Pulling into the cracks of the steepening headwall of Stormy Weather, avoiding the Bank Holiday crowds.
© Dexter JW

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