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Best Climbing Experience
Kalymnos 2021, prime life right there.

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Johnny G the messiah

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Interests Outside Climbing
Music - playing, writing, recording, listening, watching!

Photo Gallery

Anna enjoying the golden hour

Anna enjoying the golden hour
© Sievehead

Stunning setting for a boulder problem!

Stunning setting for a boulder problem!
© Sievehead

Ed high on the headwall of a quarry classic

Ed high on the headwall of a quarry classic
© Sievehead

Evening light up at Cloggy

Evening light up at Cloggy
© Sievehead

Brown's eliminate

Brown's eliminate
© Sievehead

Monty taking the ride from the top!

Monty taking the ride from the top!
© Sievehead

Cal working out the crux move

Cal working out the crux move
© Sievehead

Fully committed on the traverse

Fully committed on the traverse
© Sievehead

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I've voted for 314 photos, average vote 4.8.
(84% superb - 10% good - 2% average - 1% poor - 0% rubbish)

Video Gallery

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Anything Else We Should Know
Always keep an emergency can of beer in your climbing bag!

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