Grit Fish

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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 4 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Slades Rocks, Black Cloughs, Tintwistle Knarr Outcrop, Longdendale Trail Rocks

Photo Gallery

The Punk

The Punk
© Grit Fish

Nige enjoying Limpet Slab at Halldrine Cove

Nige enjoying Limpet Slab at Halldrine Cove
© Grit Fish

Kev on Fuzzy Peg Craig Coetan

Kev on Fuzzy Peg Craig Coetan
© Grit Fish

A fabulous day out on Moorland Grit

A fabulous day out on Moorland Grit
© Grit Fish

Team ascent of of Inaccessible Pinnacle

Team ascent of of Inaccessible Pinnacle
© Grit Fish

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