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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 9 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: The Rannoch Stone, Vat Burn, Sanna Beach Bouldering, Brerachan Boulder, Craig Laggan Boulders, Red Point Beach, Amulree Boulders (Craig Hulich), Northern Lights District, Trochry Stones

Photo Gallery

Myself and Kate on the 3rd pitch of Cardiac Arete

Myself and Kate on the 3rd pitch of Cardiac Arete
© Rue_Ree

"spirit of the brann" going for the final jug

"spirit of the brann" going for the final jug
© Rue_Ree

Working Autumnal Dreams

Working Autumnal Dreams
© Rue_Ree

Possible second ascent of Alpine Monkey

Possible second ascent of Alpine Monkey
© Rue_Ree

Wild traverse on 1st pitch

Wild traverse on 1st pitch
© Rue_Ree

Hewines Arete

Hewines Arete
© Rue_Ree

Braan Flakes

Braan Flakes
© Rue_Ree

Horizontal Feels Start

Horizontal Feels Start
© Rue_Ree

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