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BMC Technical Committee Member
CEN TC136 WG5 BMC/BSI Representative
UIAA Safety Commission BMC/UK Delegate


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Skiing, skiing, ski touring and more skiing.

Photo Gallery

Easy Gully

Easy Gully
© Chris Brook

Sunset at Curbar

Sunset at Curbar
© galpinos

Sam heading across and up the slab on a damp July day.

Sam heading across and up the slab on a damp July day.
© galpinos

Sam contemplating the final “romp” to the top…..

Sam contemplating the final “romp” to the top…..
© galpinos

Marble Arête

Marble Arête
© galpinos

Lovely morning at Blackstone Edge

Lovely morning at Blackstone Edge
© galpinos

Marble Arête

Marble Arête
© galpinos

Sam heading up to the layback flake

Sam heading up to the layback flake
© galpinos

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I've voted for 31 photos, average vote 3.7.
(58% superb - 0% good - 12% average - 12% poor - 16% rubbish)

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