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Valsesia. Italy.

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Interests Outside Climbing
Mountaineering, fell running, mountain biking,skiing, ski touring, drinking & eating.
Concept 2 wholesale suffering..

About My Photography
Point & press.

Photo Gallery

Approaching the summit of Les Courtes

Approaching the summit of Les Courtes
© walts4

On the sunny side.

On the sunny side.
© walts4

Almost at the finish!

Almost at the finish!
© walts4

Midway through the famous Kuffner snow arete.

Midway through the famous Kuffner snow arete.
© walts4

Classic ridge line route right above the refuge

Classic ridge line route right above the refuge
© walts4

On the first summit

On the first summit
© walts4

24 pitches completed, one more to go!

24 pitches completed, one more to go!
© walts4

Early morning break on the arete Moine, verte.

Early morning break on the arete Moine, verte.
© walts4

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I've voted for 107 photos, average vote 4.7.
(77% superb - 21% good - 0% average - 0% poor - 0% rubbish)

Anything Else We Should Know
Getting keener as i get older.

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