
Email User

Fuck everything.

Slow nomad

Best Climbing Experience
Climbing new routes, especially on the E coast of Caithness with Raymond and Rob. And esoteric shite, wearing trainers.

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Don't think I have one.

Recent Postings

List all my recent posts.

Currently at number 37 in the Top 40 Posters.

Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 5 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Cambusbarron West Quarry (aka Fourth Quarry), Fontforth, Forss., Bell Rock, Carron Glen - Kamikaze Squirrel Crag

Interests Outside Climbing
Family, flora and fauna, eating and drinking.

About My Photography
Point, attempt application of the 2/3's rule, shoot.

Photo Gallery

The Forss cave.

The Forss cave.
© aln

Bouldering at Loch Tollaidh.

Bouldering at Loch Tollaidh.
© Raymond Wallace

Two of the Three Sisters

Two of the Three Sisters
© aln

Raymond Wallace bouldering at Forss.

Raymond Wallace bouldering at Forss.
© aln

In the Maelstrom

In the Maelstrom
© Rob Christie

Looking S at Sarclet on a day with lively seas.

Looking S at Sarclet on a day with lively seas.
© Rob Christie

Good traversing skills from Wayne, poor spotting from Chewie.

Good traversing skills from Wayne, poor spotting from Chewie.
© aln

Wayne arsing around at Fontforth

Wayne arsing around at Fontforth
© aln

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I've voted for 4,875 photos, average vote 3.8.
(32% superb - 31% good - 19% average - 11% poor - 5% rubbish)

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