Sean Kelly

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The wrong side of 70!

Torbay, Devon

Best Climbing Experience
Too many to detail but a day on Ben Nevis (Tower Ridge) on a desperate day and another day (on Ledge route) in stunning weather, avalanche risk 5, double cornices and nobody else in sight! Still waiting to tick Left Wall...
And last but not least, finally ticked off all the Munros August 2014. It's only taken 46 years and 18 days! See my blog here!/2014/08/mission-accomplishedall-munros-finally.html
and here!/

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
When are we next going climbing....?

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Articles by Sean Kelly

Interests Outside Climbing
Art, Photography, Ceramics, Military History, Skiing, Soccer(MU) & Test Cricket, Classical Music, but most importantly...walking my Springers!.

About My Photography
Whenever I have moved house a new darkroom was always required up until now that is when I have gone totally digital. I started off using Pentaxs but changed to Nikons. I studied Photography at college as part of a Graphics BA and have always had a camera in my hand from then.To be really good at some aspect of Photography one has to devote time, thought and effort to that skill, and never stop looking at what others are doing in that discipline. I always see other work that I admire and wish I had their vision. The first photographer I remember was a spread by Don McCullin in the Sunday Times during the Vietnam War in about '67/8. He achieved real impact with just B&W images. The other early influence was John Cleare's 'Rockclimbers in Action in Snowdonia' also in B&W. I recall seeing some ariel photographs by Bradford Washburn taken on a large-format camera of the Matterhorn which displayed incredible detail of the mountain. Sam Haskins made an impact because he over exposed film and you first realised you could break the rules. At present I admire the work of Colin Prior for his Panoramic Landscapes on large format cameras & 'Cubby' & Greg Epperson for their action pictures.
Recent success at the 'Landscape Photographer of the Year' Awards, and shortlisted at the KMFF. Also work published in the Sunday Times 'Spectrum'.

Photo Gallery

'D' route on Gimmer

'D' route on Gimmer
© Sean Kelly

Nearly there!

Nearly there!
© Sean Kelly

Lost in the mist...

Lost in the mist...
© Sean Kelly

Rescue from the Trinity Face

Rescue from the Trinity Face
© Sean Kelly

What was that about 3 points of contact....?

What was that about 3 points of contact....?
© Sean Kelly

Buzzard below Cloggy

Buzzard below Cloggy
© Sean Kelly

Rhoscolyn Pano

Rhoscolyn Pano
© Sean Kelly

shortlisted for 'Landscape Photographer of the Year'

shortlisted for 'Landscape Photographer of the Year'
© Sean Kelly

Click to view Sean Kelly's gallery. (285 photos)
Chosen as the Featured Gallery on 11-Mar-10.
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I've voted for 5,374 photos, average vote 4.1.
(50% superb - 19% good - 18% average - 8% poor - 3% rubbish)

Anything Else We Should Know
A retired teacher of Art, having also worked with both adults & pupils as an OE instructor (ML SPSA & MIA)
Probably did the first route of substance in Vivian quarry circa 1973 (Wendy Doll)
& probable first ascent of Central Gully Direct (V1) on Lliwedd Feb 1971, after Smiler & Al Rouse had backed off. Also climbed on the chalk in Kent using ice gear ie. bent axes, circa 1968!
Have climbed extensively in Europe but express a special affection for Corsica, but without the thunderstorms! I lived in Nant Peris for 13 years which I really liked, but Sylvia got fed-up with all the rain so we relocated to sunny Devon. A member of the Karabiner MC (Manchester), South Devon MC & the CC.

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