Instructional Videos - #16 Lead Belaying

© UKClimbing

Plas-Y-Brenin Logo Blue Text  © Plas-Y-Brenin
In this video series on UKClimbing, we have teamed up with Plas y Brenin, the National Mountain Sports Centre, to cover a wide range of basic climbing techniques.

We will be explaining everything from putting on harnesses and tying figure of eights, to building belays and leading, by watching Mountaineering Instructors Dave Evans (Pyb staff and MIC), Dave Rudkin (PyB staff and MIC) and Jack Geldard (UKC staff and MIA).

We hope you find these 'quick-fire' instructional videos useful for learning basics and polishing up on essential skills, but they don't replace proper instruction and years of experience!

In this video, Dave Rudkin shows us how to lead belay.

For more information Plas y Brenin

2 Jun, 2016
Quite disappointed with this video, I would expect better from PYB staff having attended courses with them in the past. The lead belaying in this video is incredibly sloppy with his hand holding the dead end continually moving above the belay plate and sliding up the rope. Not best practice, or even good practice.
26 Jun, 2016
Not at all helpful, didn't give me any insight at all.
26 Jun, 2016
Pretty thin on details. I'm especially surprised at the absence of attention paid to handling half ropes. To see a more comprehensive attempt (with, however, some cringe-worthy moments as when the party exchanges belay signals while standing next to each other on the ground), have a look at the American Alpine Club's foray into the field (aimed almost entirely, however, at gym and sport climbing).
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