Cycle Trail Bolton Abbey/ Rylstone

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 Godwin 12 Aug 2022

I was walking down from Rylstone back to the parking yesterday and noticed a Bridleway marked up as Bolton Abbey and wondered if it is a good off road cycle trail.
I have looked on the maps and nothing is obvious.
Maybe it is just part of the wider Bolton Abbey Estate.

The path is at just between where it says 215 and crutching close lathe. The path going towards crutching close lathe

Post edited at 08:23
 mikefergy 12 Aug 2022
In reply to Godwin:

Yes, the bridleway over the top is a nice route - regular evening ride after work for me. If you're going from Rylstone towards Bolton Abbey there are 2 choices when you cross the road at black park - down to Halton East or direct to Bolton Abbey (which can get very muddy in places).

Unfortunately cycling not allowed on various other tracks on Barden Moor....

OP Godwin 12 Aug 2022
In reply to ChrisJD:

No, I was walking along the very end of that, and the Bridleway sign that intrigued me is a right turn, off it. A flat wide track. On the map I posted it goes down the side of a short length of woodland and then soon heads northerly towards a church. 
It was the signage that intrigued me as it did suggest it might part of a longer route. But I think I may have misunderstood.

 mikefergy 12 Aug 2022
In reply to Godwin:

It just leads to the church and the track/bridleway to Cracoe. Not sure what the sign says, probably just reference to Bolton Abbey estate).

OP Godwin 12 Aug 2022
In reply to mikefergy:

>  Not sure what the sign says, probably just reference to Bolton Abbey estate).

I think you are correct. I read it as The Bolton Abbey Bridleway. Thanks for your help.

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