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 Billhook 08 Jun 2024

Anyone been watching The Piano, with Meka & Lang Lang.

There's some vast untapped talent out there we don't hear of or see.

 McHeath 08 Jun 2024
In reply to Billhook:

If by „untapped“ you mean „not yet monetarized on TV“, then yes. There are also thousands of young pianists out there who are for their ages way better than those we‘re seeing here, but they’re just putting in the practice hours and living a (relatively) normal life.

Lang Lang is a brilliant pianist; he‘ll also do anything if there’s cash and high media exposure involved. Mika‘s on a roll, but what the heck is he doing judging pianistic ability?

 deacondeacon 08 Jun 2024
In reply to McHeath:

Agreed. I do love the programme but it seems that contestants are most definitely chosen for their backstory rather than playing ability. I'd love to see a bit more of Lang Lang playing too. He's an absolute badass!

 Blue Straggler 08 Jun 2024
In reply to McHeath:

I was surprised Lang Lang stuck around even for season 2; I really thought it would be a “one and out” for him - get his name out to a new broader audience and move on. Either he’s being paid a lot, or the knock on effect of a broader effect is clearly boosting his overall standing, or he just really enjoys it. 

If you want a good laugh, read the Gramophone magazine’s review of Piano Book by Lang Lang. Every sentence is a kick in his nuts. It opens brutally and just doesn’t let up. 

 Jamie Hageman 09 Jun 2024
In reply to Billhook:

I turned off after the first episode of series one, when the clearly amazing woman with a beautiful composition of her own and the skills to perform it was overlooked in favour of a young guy with a difficult upbringing and average piano playing.  

As is always the case with competitions, it's down to the judges.  Bring back Watercolour Challenge - the only tv comp that I ever agreed with the judges' decisions.

 Blue Straggler 09 Jun 2024
In reply to Jamie Hageman:

I didn't get much further than that! 

 planetmarshall 09 Jun 2024
In reply to deacondeacon:

> I'd love to see a bit more of Lang Lang playing too. He's an absolute badass!

Thought I'd just hijack the thread with a bit of Annie d'Arco playing Debussy.

 Jamie Hageman 09 Jun 2024
In reply to planetmarshall:

Wow, brilliant!!!!  Mesmerising

In reply to planetmarshall:

Her style (very fast; lots of notes) is a little like Yuja Wang, who I saw on Friday night at the Festival Hall. (Yuja played 10 encores- the most I have ever seen, - mostly at blinding speed)

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