Fort William / CIC parking.

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 Mike Conlon 04 Jun 2024

Following on from a previous appeal for advice. We are heading to the CIC this coming weekend and into what is almost a literal perfect storm of circumstances. The North Face carpark is closed for maintenance work. Access is possible before 8am and after 6pm but this not really feasible for us. To compound this issue, the weather forecast requires us to carry more kit than we had expected.

    One strategy would be to park in the Visitor Centre in Glen Nevis, up and around via the Halfway Lochan.

   Another suggested strategy was to shuttle folk up to Nevis Range, park one vehicle (£15/day) and walk in from there.

So some specific questions:-

How feasible is it to walk in with big sacs from Nevis Range?

Can anyone recommend parking for several days in or around Fort William.

Any other (polite) advice would be much appreciated.

 Dr.S at work 04 Jun 2024
In reply to Mike Conlon:

Walking in from Nevis range looks like it adds 2-3k on the flat to the NF car park, or a similar amount of gentler climbing to reach the edge of the moor if you head up from Nevis range to the edge of the forestry - so pretty feasible. Plus toilets and a cafe.

 James0101 04 Jun 2024
In reply to Mike Conlon:

layby here before turn off? saw people parking here when car park was full,-5.0416405,3a,60y,112.97h,73.06t/da...

 James0101 04 Jun 2024
In reply to Mike Conlon:

layby here before turn off? saw people parking here when car park was full,-5.0416405,3a,60y,112.97h,73.06t/da...

 biggianthead 04 Jun 2024
In reply to Mike Conlon:

Park in Fort William and get taxi to North Face carpark

 Rick Graham 04 Jun 2024
In reply to Mike Conlon:

Nobody has yet mentioned the distillery approach. We once left a car at the garage on the main road for six days after asking nicely . Lots of industrial estate roads nearby.

2002 Ben guide has 90 to 120 minutes from both NF car park and distillery, 120 to 150 minutes from Achintee or Youth Hostel to CIC.

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