Over the Moors

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 popebenedictus 02 Jan 2013
Just got my copy of "Over the Moors" (a christmas gift), and I'm a bit disappointed.

The book is fantastic and the content is great but the fact that the pages aren't in order is a bit frustrating.
What's going on?
Do I have a duff copy or what?
Was there a problem with the print run?

In mine the pages jump from 256 Tintwistle Boulders to 289 Bareholme but the "missing" section is found later between 576 and 577. Is this just a quirk? it's messing with my OCD.

How can I get a "correct" copy? I can't return it as it's a gift and I don't have a receipt?

Any help from you friendly BMC chaps would be gratefully received
 Dan Lane 02 Jan 2013
In reply to popebenedictus:

Intriguing... my page numbers are fine! I'd get in touch with the nice people at the BMC. They don't usually bite!
In reply to Dan Lane:
Thanks. any idea who would be the right person?
 scott titt 03 Jan 2013
In reply to popebenedictus:
Hannah Skeldon [email protected]
shorts 03 Jan 2013
In reply to scott titt:
This sometimes happens but your local friendly climbing shop (assuming your local climbing shop is friendly, your friendly local shop is a climbing shop and your friendly climbing shop is local) could well just swap it over for a good one for you.
 Simon Caldwell 03 Jan 2013
In reply to popebenedictus:
> Do I have a duff copy

 Offwidth 03 Jan 2013
In reply to popebenedictus:

Might be something to do with get the feeling Laddow is a bit of a 'missing' crag these days. You don't find many crags where some 6 inches of turf rip and the rock underneath is polished... I wonder, were someone's Kinder Great Buttress pages missing as well?? On a similar subject I like the fact that some of the pages with steep roof bouldering at Dimmingsdale were printed upside down in my freeby.
In reply to popebenedictus: It's not normal for pages to be out of order like that so obviously you do have a duff copy. Contact the BMC and they will sort it out for you.
In reply to Offwidth:
> (In reply to popebenedictus)
> Might be something to do with karma...

I hope not, my last involvement with this guide involved a scary rock-fall in Brockholes Quarry while checking routes with Mr Tan
 Dan Lane 04 Jan 2013
In reply to popebenedictus:

I think I was there that day as well. Not a lot of fun, was it?
 Offwidth 04 Jan 2013
In reply to Dan Lane:

I find climbing with Mr Tan is always loads of fun, even if the rock you are climbing sometimes needs a disclaimer.

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