16 yr old completes Seven summits

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 Batcloud 27 May 2011

Gobsmacked when I read this, well done that man/boy !!
 GrahamD 27 May 2011
In reply to Batcloud:

Blimey, shouldn't he be discovering beer 'n' booze 'n' birds at that age ? good effort in anyones books
 Microwired22 27 May 2011
In reply to Batcloud: Someones parents are rich!

Good effort anyhow!
 GrahamD 27 May 2011
In reply to CragRat_Trad:

Probably considerably less rich than they were a few years ago

Still money is only one of the ingredients needed to make something like this happen (irrespective of age)
 Microwired22 27 May 2011
In reply to GrahamD: Aye true that!

Oh definitely, not taking anything away from the lad! A lot of dedication and effort goes into it too! Sure he's got a great future in mountaineering ahead! Keep at it.


 stevev 27 May 2011
In reply to Batcloud: why isn't he at school?
 TicTacBigToe 27 May 2011
In reply to Batcloud: I thought a 13 year old American kid had the record..?or has he not completed all the summits yet? I want rich parents!!!!!
 stevev 27 May 2011
In reply to TicTacBigToe:
> (In reply to Batcloud) I thought a 13 year old American kid had the record..?or has he not completed all the summits yet? I want rich parents!!!!!

In reply to TicTacBigToe:
> (In reply to Batcloud) I thought a 13 year old American kid had the record..?or has he not completed all the summits yet? I want rich parents!!!!!

There was some geyser called Jordan last year, but he did his own version of the 7 summits according to this site

Looks like he did Australia and Oceana but missed antartica
 armus 27 May 2011
In reply to Batcloud:

Who did he climb with?
 stevev 27 May 2011
In reply to pyle:
> (In reply to Batcloud)
> Who did he climb with?
AdventurePeaks, on the N.Side

In reply to Batcloud:

A friend of mine was on this expedition. He was the youngest Britain to have done it for a whole two hours, before George summited... !
In reply to A Longleat Boulderer: ]

 nomadman 27 May 2011
In reply to A Longleat Boulderer: Fantastic achievement. Am I jealous?, yes very much so.

Could some one explain to me, how on earth a student can afford a commercial expedition like this? Did his parents pay or was he sponsored?
 earlsdonwhu 27 May 2011
In reply to A Longleat Boulderer: What on earth does he have with a campaign manager?

Anyway fair play.
 Coops_13 27 May 2011
In reply to nomadman: very rich parents I think

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