Innovative clipstick

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I read an article about this recently. A roll up.clipstick that works like a snap band. Very innovative.

As a tight wad I think I will wait for an east Asian copy to hit the market but credit where it is due to the developers (if it works).

 ebdon 05 Jun 2024
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

It's certainly a cool idea and innovative use of materials. Would be totally useless bolt to bolting when working a route though, which is 80% of my clip stick usage.

In reply to ebdon:

That remains to be seen, metolius are quite reputable so I will give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they have anticipated most uses.

It does give a strong answer to all those repetitive clipstick on a plane threads

 Luke90 05 Jun 2024
In reply to ebdon:

I think there's a group of stick clip users who don't do that though, so there might be a place for it with them, if it works well and Metolius can get the price down a bit.

 ebdon 05 Jun 2024
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

I think deploying it hanging off a bolt half way up a route would be quite a challenge!

In reply to ebdon:

Yeah, I share that concern, you could haul it up fully extended I guess. It all remains to be seen once used.

Climbing mag did a review, I can't find it to link to now, you may have better luck

In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

That's pretty cool but, holy hell... that price tag! 🫤

In reply to Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH:

It's the modern way, clip sticks north of £200, belay plates over £100, shoes approaching £200, boutique chalk costing nearly as much as Bolivian marching powder.

And they try to claim climbing isn't middle class, if things carry on like this it certainly won't be!

 Robert Durran 05 Jun 2024
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

Looks like just marketing a solution to a problem which never existed.

 UKB Shark 05 Jun 2024
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

Of course none of those things are necessary to go climbing

In reply to UKB Shark:

Of course

In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

I’ve used one. Pretty cool and works very well but obviously too expensive.
This invention is much better than carrying a clip stick up a route:

Substitute Amazon “handheld flagpole” for the selfie stick. Works brilliantly.

In reply to Jonathan Lagoe - UKC:

Pleased to hear that they work well in the field. The price is eye watering but it doesn't look like patentable technology to my ignorant eye, more reasonably priced clones will be along soon I expect.

The selfie stick is a neat idea. I am surprised no one has rebranded cheap sticks with a cool sounding climbing name, marked them up by an order of magnitude and flogged them to the suckers that we are.

Watch this space, fame and fortune awaits, possibly 😅

In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

Everyone is using them on the Front Range. Known as a "Josh Wharton". I think they'll catch on in the UK -  if they haven't already.

The selfie stick thing that is - not the Metolius.

Post edited at 12:57
 ebdon 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Jonathan Lagoe - UKC:

I can't decide if this is genius or not! I presume to avoid having to buy a rack of panic draws you just use one and swap it out for a normal draw when you get to the bolt?

 TobyA 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Jonathan Lagoe - UKC:

Does everyone in the US know automatically what an "electrolyte-tab bottle" is? It's a clever idea, but I'm not sure if I've ever seen a small container that is the right size and shape to put a panic quickdraw in like that.

 TobyA 06 Jun 2024
In reply to ebdon:

> I presume to avoid having to buy a rack of panic draws you just use one and swap it out for a normal draw when you get to the bolt?

At least with my CT version of the Panic, the instructions tell you to do that anyway because the stiffness of the panic draw increases the chances of it twisting off the bolt or the similar.

 ebdon 06 Jun 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Good point, I have never actually used one but now you say it that makes total sense. Might have to invest now, along with some electrolyte tabs!

In reply to TobyA:

NUUN tablet bottle fits perfectly with the foam handle on the flagpole, so you hold the flagpole upside down. And yes, you swap out the stiffie with a regular draw after you pull up. 

My panic draw is homemade with a Mad Rock Trigger Wire krab at one end and a short sling inside some plastic pipe. I'd post a picture but I'm in China and it's back home.

In reply to ebdon:

If you're aware it'll be needed and have time to prepare, it's worth pointing out you can also make a panic draw with some finger tape and an organic mk1 stick, of the brown and sticky kind, readily available at many crags. 

 Dunthemall 07 Jun 2024

I assume the Metolius is aimed at crags like  Smith Rock where the first bolt is frequently at 20-30ft, so that you can't deck clipping the second bolt.

 tlouth7 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

It looks like patentable tech to me: a new application of an existing technology. However that doesn't mean that clones won't appear soon.

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