Suunto Core problems ?

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 Patrick803 07 Apr 2010
Anyone had any problems with their Suunto Core (black & yellow) watch? Mine became faulty again having been sent a brand new one after last times fault. The problem starts as a dimming of the readout when trying to use any of the function buttons and ends in the screen going completely blank. Its not a battery problem as I tried replacing that. After this last issue I have swapped it for a Vector hoping for better luck. Just interested to know of anyone elses experiences.
 Richiehill 07 Apr 2010
In reply to Patrick803:

I've had loads of problems with mine. I sent it back to Suunto. The service is pretty good and they replaced it. It's been OK since but not perfect - still some slight dimming of the display.

I think it is to do with the software on the older Core, but if you have a new one it shouldn't be that. If you google it you should find some details and check with your serial number.

I also have a Suunto HRM which has been perfect.
m0unt41n 07 Apr 2010
In reply to Richiehill: Out of interest, I've got an X6 and the Alarm is hopelessly quiet matched only in uselessness by the backlight, is the Core the same or have Suunto learnt how to make watches yet? The altimeter / heights is excellent. Just crazy that a £5 watch has a better alarm and backlight than a Suunto.
 Jim Walton 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Patrick803: I've not had any issues with my Core except that the battery life is a bit poo.

Also, is there a short cut to setting the altimeter reading. It seems a bit daft to have to go through all of the menu's each time you want to re-calibrate. Anyone?
 catt 08 Apr 2010
In reply to ian2u:

I've got a T6C and the alarm and backlight are pretty pointless/useless, as is the temperature reading (on or off my wrist). Also if I set intervals on it for training, it only beeps randomly at change of intervals. Otherwise great. It is amazing how they can fail on such minor things for otherwise high end gadgets.
OP Patrick803 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Patrick803: Just had a reply from Suunto who say their technicians have 'made improvements to the softwear' and that they have had no problem with the latest version. We shall see !!
 heist182 08 Apr 2010
In reply to Patrick803: Be very careful when changing the battery, the little metal thing which holds the battery down is very sensitive. If you bend this even slightly when changing the battery then it often results in dimming of the display.

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