How long to recover from Plantar Fasciitis?

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Halagon 04 Sep 2018

First some background. I am a male, age 46, been running for  10 years, never raced, very modest running goals to run about 1200 km per annum, have severe over-pronation and wear orthotics with stability shoes.

I have been inured frequently - shin splints, patellar tendinopathy etc, all of which I treated successfully.

No running injury has kept me out of running this long, when 2 months back I got my first episode of Plantar Fasciitis. My doc advised me not to run till the symptoms subside. My last run was on 23 Nov.

I read up a lot on how to treat this - doing the usual calf, plantar fascii stretch, glof ball massage etc. The symptoms have not subsided as yet . It is not painful, however, there are times in the day when I feel "there is something there". This happens usually first thing in the morning when I get out of bed, or when I am standing for long periods of time.

How long does Plantar Fasciitis knock you out from running? How did runners on this forum cure this irritating problem? How long did i take to resume running?

 airborne 04 Sep 2018
In reply to Halagon:

Just stick with the exercises and keep the faith. Get in front of a good physio too (by recommendation) although it sounds like you're doing the right things. I was hit with this in the latter stages of training for a BG round, religiously did the calf/spiky ball exercises and it cleared up in a few weeks. Not reappeared since. Hopefully you'll be the same.

 Tim Sparrow 04 Sep 2018
In reply to Halagon: Done all the recommended stretches, rollings, icings, tapings, physios etc and 18 months down the line I am still at square one. Next stage is some more involved treatment, either injections or shockwave therapy. 

Just be aware that it can be a very persistent injury.

Good luck with it and I hope you don’t get my experience!

Narked 04 Sep 2018
In reply to Halagon:

I have managed to "self medicate" mine by switching to zero drop.

I use Altra shoes now for running and hill walking, and i have not had an issue since.

Obviously i cant say it will work for everyone.


 r0b 04 Sep 2018
In reply to Halagon:

I had a bit of PF at the start of the year, more pain under my heels where the PF attaches rather than pain in the PF itself. Laying off the running didn't work for me, nor did golf ball massage of the PF. So I just got back into running making sure I stretched the underside of my foot every night by grabbing my big toe and pulling it back to stretch out the PF, then doing a bit of message of where the PF attaches in my heel with my thumb. It's basically cleared up completely now, been doing long fell runs again since May.

I would add though that it might be worth looking at the stability of your pelvis and glute control given your use of orthotics and injury frequency. I have a very lazy right glute that I have to do a lot of work on for injury prevention.

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