Abandoned - sling and krab, Crescent Slabs

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 TobyA 20 May 2024

Yesterday, just before the heavens opened quite dramatically, my climbing partner and I left a thin Beal dyneema sling and blue Simond wiregate krab on the block belay at the top of the first pitch Crescent Slabs (S 4a) on Pavey Ark. Ironically enough, for all winter climbing I always take a retired from active duty sling and maillon with me for just this purpose, but having now accepted the winter season is over, I forgot to chuck them into my bag when packing for the Lakes!

Anyway, this post isn't to ask someone to send me back my sling and krab, but rather if you happen to be going up there soon, and collect the sling and krab, you can rest assured they were part of "active service" rack until yesterday afternoon when adding them to your!

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