Piano music

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 aln 03 Jun 2024

The other thread is closed, so here you go . Just heard this and I like it

 FactorXXX 03 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

A piano version of 'Nothing Else Matters'

 Maynard 03 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

I hate promoting myself, but it is piano music.

Post edited at 01:10
 FactorXXX 03 Jun 2024
 climbercool 03 Jun 2024

In reply toI love the Piano in Thom Yorks, Suspirium.

 deepsoup 03 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

I haven't read the other thread so not sure if she's already had a mention, but based on that I think you might like Regina Spektor.

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

What did you like about this? 

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

You can search for a shorter "pure" piano version if you like. Feathers, Birdwoman and Glass Sea also very good, although the public seem to like Strata more. It's all good.

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

Disklavier, basically a high end recording piano so you can duet with yourself, any entry level digital piano will have this function but the Disklavier is specifically made for this, so Kelly spent lockdown making a self-duet album

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

As fresh as it gets

Anna Clyne (b. 1980), a name new to me but apparently one of the ten most performed living composers! Anyway she is not usually pianistic, she composes for orchestra, chamber, lots of strings....but she has just written a piano concerto for Jeremy Denk; premiered in March, and uploaded 2 weeks ago

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

spot the popular melody in this, written and performed a couple of decades earlier than the famous tune. Pure coincidence for sure

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

staying with Venezuelan Luisa Elena Paesano

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

well known as "the tune from the Lloyds Bank adverts circa 2002-2004"

OP aln 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Blue Straggler:

> What did you like about this? 

I like that just like this it gIves me a Death Boner

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

something a bit less "pure piano" and I dare say this is "just" a very good session pianist riffing easily, but I adore the piano (and absolutely everything else on this, one of the best arranged and produced recordings of the 90s, hats off to producer Victor van Vugt and of course the actual band)

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

Death Boner, aln? really?

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Maynard:

David, I really enjoyed this! Thank you. Lovely playing (and nice composition - I assume these are your own pieces) 

 veteye 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Blue Straggler:

Jeremy Denk was interviewed by Tom Service on Radio 3 recently, and mention was made of this piano concerto by Anna Clyne. Her music has been performed at the BBC Proms a couple of times.

I have not listened to the piece as it is morning and I need to get to work, but where in the recording is the piano concerto? 

 Tom Valentine 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Blue Straggler:

Yes,  Aln really ought to  leave death out of it and watch a bit more Lola Astanova for the other half of the equation. And obviously listen to her playing as well.

 Bellie 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

I've always enjoyed Suzanne Cain's Pianissimo album.  In particular. 'Anthem'

Recent times I enjoy Hania Rani.

Some mesmeric playing.

Not forgetting Olafur Arnolds.

Stunning stuff.

In reply to Blue Straggler:

> spot the popular melody in this, written and performed a couple of decades earlier than the famous tune. Pure coincidence for sure

This is fun:

 James Harker 07 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

My 3 fave pieces are:

The 18th Variation of a Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini:

Can you feel the love tonight. Yes it's the lion king but it's a beautiful arrangement and fun to play! 😅:

DJ Sammy Heaven candlelight remix:

I've got the sheet music for the above arrangements if anyone wants a copy

Post edited at 11:56
In reply to aln:

Two albums with some beautiful piano music with a Scottish flavour are: 'The lost songs of St Kilda' featuring Trevor Morrison  - And 'Airs' by Mhairi Hall -

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to veteye:

The first half hour 

 Blue Straggler 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Tom Valentine:

> Yes,  Aln really ought to  leave death out of it and watch a bit more Lola Astanova for the other half of the equation. And obviously listen to her playing as well.

Not sure what point you are trying to make here. Is this an attack on my post? 

 Tom Valentine 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Blue Straggler:

Not at all. It was just a light hearted  reference to Aln's comments about a "boner" which you seemed a bit disconcerted about. I simply suggested that if he was in the market for such an experience in piano playing terms then  he could do worse than look up the artist mentioned. In particular I would recommend her version of Fanataisie Impromptu, stilettos and all. Can't t understand why you think I'd attack you and your post since I m your leading YouTube fan! " Happy Birthday To You" , by the way.

 Blue Straggler 08 Jun 2024
In reply to Tom Valentine:

thanks for clarification

 birdie num num 08 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

I find the Old Time Piano competition really addictive. Ethan Uslan in particular. Here he is playing Fur Elise in ragtime.

In reply to birdie num num:

Great. And I’m sure that Ludwig himself (judging by such things as his Diabelli Variations) would have loved it.

 birdie num num 08 Jun 2024
In reply to Gordon Stainforth:

He knocks off a nice bit of Chopin too. And here's me thinking Bach was the father of jazz.

 Blue Straggler 08 Jun 2024
In reply to aln:

Belle Chen, currently on tour.

 Blue Straggler 08 Jun 2024
In reply to Bellie:

> Recent times I enjoy Hania Rani.

> Some mesmeric playing.

Thank you VERY much for this. I only learned of Hania recently (via discovering Poppy Ackroyd and finding an archived BBC Radio programme hosted by Poppy and with Hania and Büşra Kayıkçı as two of the guests. As Hania is a multi instrumentalist I got a bit lost trying to find purely pianistic pieces (I am aware that she has electronic keyboards here too and also does some vocal work but it's more pianistic than some of the - still very good of course - recordings I've blundered onto. She's great. I'll watch this in full tomorrow

 Blue Straggler 08 Jun 2024
In reply to Bellie:

Incidentally, Hania is touring currently. I had been dimly aware of this but your post made me check again and I have now impulsively booked to see her London show. In the UK it's only a London show at Somerset House, and one at Sage Gateshead as part of a BBC Radio 3 thing. Thanks again!

OP aln 11 Jun 2024
In reply to Blue Straggler:

> Death Boner, aln? really?

Not really, but I thought that was funny as. I wasn't going to reply but considering what you did for me I thought I should. I sometimes react with a knee-jerk FU comment. It wasn't till later I searched and found that a death boner is an actual thing! 

When my bass guitar is fixed and the old band is back together  I'm thinking Death Boner would be a great name.

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