Shoulder injury

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 supersteve 05 Nov 2019

Following my little ankle incident a few months ago (see one of my previous threads - for those interested I am back climbing / running / biking after a fair bit of physio) I spent a fair bit of time gardening. At some stage (probably rotovating or raking) I dislocated my shoulder. Being ignorant I did nothing about it, struggling to put a t-shirt on, and unable to push the car gear stick into 5th. After about 2 months my wife gave my shoulder a wiggle and pull, and 'crack' I could suddenly put my arm above my head again. 

I have since had some physio, as well as an x-ray and ultrasound which showed no muscular damage so now I need advice from anyone who has had a similar injury to how best I recover. I know I should rest, but when the sun is shining and the dry...

 charliesdad 05 Nov 2019
In reply to supersteve:

I know a couple of kayakers who have dislocated shoulders, and both followed the advice of their physio; months of carefully designed exercises to build up the muscles which had been weakened by the original trauma. Both still have noticeably weak shoulders many years after their accidents, and paddle quite “defensively” to protect the weakness. Probably not what you wanted to hear....

OP supersteve 05 Nov 2019
In reply to charliesdad:

I was told the sane with my ankle, but now I do specific leg exercises daily and my ankles / calves have never been stronger. I still don't climb highball / poor landings but the physio is working. My physio is happy for me to keep climbing as the shoulder / peck / lats will keep everything in place. 

Not sure if anyone has any specific exercises. I can't to press ups.... 

 LakesWinter 05 Nov 2019
In reply to supersteve:

Go and see a consultant, get a contrast MRI scan to check the damage and see how to proceed

 Dave the Rave 05 Nov 2019
In reply to LakesWinter:

> Go and see a consultant, get a contrast MRI scan to check the damage and see how to proceed

Or, strengthen rotator cuff and scapulae to see if that works prior to imaging and a hefty bill

 Robert Durran 05 Nov 2019
In reply to charliesdad:

> I know a couple of kayakers who have dislocated shoulders, and both followed the advice of their physio; months of carefully designed exercises to build up the muscles which had been weakened by the original trauma. Both still have noticeably weak shoulders many years after their accidents, and paddle quite “defensively” to protect the weakness. Probably not what you wanted to hear....

I traumatically dislocated my shoulder with ligament starins a few years ago. I got a good physio and was back climbing cautiously in a couple of months and back to normal in a few more months. The longest term issue was rebuilding confidence in the shoulder once it was properly healed. No issues since.

 Allovesclimbin 06 Nov 2019
In reply to supersteve:

Don’t think you dislocated it. People generally come in in agony immediately and require heavy sedation to relocate it. I must have reduced ( relocated) hundreds in the last 25 years.  So, you may have had a subluxation- where the joint is not quite in the right position, rare , and usually you will have some ligament or joint capsule damage.  Sometimes a structural part of the joint can get in the way of the moving surface. Either way , if your functionality is ok , strengthen your shoulder muscles and take care on long moves with your shoulder abducted (when your arm is above your head ) . Further problems , I’d get an MRI. 

Good luck. 

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