Selling camera geaar

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 Fredt 17 May 2024

I'm wanting to upgrade my camera setup. I have a MFT with two zoom lenses, and want to upgrade to FF mirrorless. 
In the past I've been disappointed with the part exchange amount offered from both a shop and online.
What's the best way to sell gear, part exchange? ebay or similar?

 LucaC 17 May 2024
In reply to Fredt:

Trade it in at

Post edited at 19:09
 The Lemming 17 May 2024
In reply to Fredt:

What you selling?

 The Lemming 17 May 2024
In reply to LucaC:

> Trade it in at

I'm falling out of love with MPB.

I bought a lens from them a couple of weeks ago. While it was in transit, I found the exact same lens on Amazon, brand new and boxed, for less that the second-hand lens from MPB.

Bargains are getting slim pickings and selling gear is quite painful. You probably get half of what they sell for.

In reply to Fredt:

I’ve sold quite a bit (and bought quite a bit used) from Ffordes:

OP Fredt 17 May 2024
In reply to The Lemming:


 The Lemming 17 May 2024
In reply to Fredt:

Just checked my mail as I don't use that account very much.

I just gave away my G9 to my best friend and his wife. I already have a GH6 and G9m2 so could nit justify keeping three cameras. In truth I bought my G9 from MPB and was exceptionally happy with it, especially as it took better images than my GH6 which is a fair few years younger than it.

As for the lenses, I have them except for the 12-60. I have the 12-35.

Who ever you sell that bundle of camera and lenses to will be set up for any wildlife or landscape situation.

The G9 is still an impressive camera, even in low light. I simply got rid of it because I refused to pay for the £100 for the vlog-lite codec for filming. My Gh6 and G9m2 have full fat vLog as standard.

Maybe you could sell the kit on this site. The G9 and lenses, you have, are well respected for their optics and lightness.

 midgen 18 May 2024
In reply to Fredt:

MPB would be my vote. No worries about the scams and idiots you need to deal with selling privately, six month warranty on purchases.

Prices are comparable to ebay etc on the whole. 

 Alex Riley 18 May 2024
In reply to midgen:

The small print on the 6 month warranty is worth reading. I got stung on a lens that had previously been repaired before it was sold to mpb, they didn't pick up on it when they checked it and I couldn't return it under warranty when it fell apart (it has been super glued back together).

 Martin W 15:20 Mon
In reply to The Lemming:

> The G9 is still an impressive camera, even in low light. I simply got rid of it because I refused to pay for the £100 for the vlog-lite codec for filming. My Gh6 and G9m2 have full fat vLog as standard.

Apart from the vLog functionality, how are you getting on with your G9ii?

I'd be particularly interested to know what you think of the PDAF (which I naively believed wasn't possible in mirrorless cameras, shows how up to date I am with the  tech).  Is it a significant improvement over the G9's CDAF?

I've also read that PDAF can cause problems with some AF lenses originally designed towards CDAF, in that the AF movements in the lens are different between the two AF types.  The key question I suppose being: does it work OK with the Leica 100-400mm lens?

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