Hook of Hamate fracture

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 smbnji 11 Jun 2024

Interested to hear anyone's experience with fracturing their Hook of Hamate...

Did you opt for the removal surgery? What was recovery like? Any noticeable decrease in grip strength with the hook removed?

If no surgery, what was healing regimen/time?

Finally if anyone had it pinned, any feedback on this course of action?


 David Bennett 11 Jun 2024
In reply to smbnji:

I broke mine in my late teens but at the time just got treated for a sprain. It wasn't until I was in my mid 30s that I noticed a clicking in the joint with my ulna. On further investigation I had loose bone fragments from a never properly healed fracture, which I had surgically removed. I never suffered any loss of strength but do now have some degeneration of the joint many years later

OP smbnji 12 Jun 2024
In reply to David Bennett:

Thanks, that's really interesting - so did the pain just go away on its own until your 30s?

 David Bennett 12 Jun 2024
In reply to smbnji:

"Thanks, that's really interesting - so did the pain just go away on its own until your 30s?"

In my case yes, and even in my 30s I was more concerned about the clicking than I was about pain. I got surgery to protect the joint from further damage. It felt like a sprain, the pain lasted about as long as a sprain but was in fact broken. It was more a case of breaking fragments off at the joint face than a fracture through the middle of the bone. YMMV.

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