Houghton Quarry

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 thinredline20 13 May 2024

Is there any chance of climbing at Houghton quarry this year? Home to 2-3 of the best quarried routes in the country.

 BlownAway 13 May 2024
In reply to thinredline20:

There’s a BMC NW area meeting tomorrow, so come along and ask there maybe?

 Martin Bennett 13 May 2024
In reply to thinredline20:

Somebody has to say it: Hoghton.

In reply to thinredline20:

There was a meeting between the BMC and the estate about a month back. The estate who own the crag have a number of concerns and are reluctant to reopen access. Follow on discussions continue though and we are putting forward proposals to address the various issues. Whether these are acceptable and when they might be applied remains to be seen.

 Bulls Crack 13 May 2024
In reply to Martin Bennett:

> Somebody has to say it: Hoghton.

I thought it was Hufftown? 

 radddogg 14 May 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

I remember the most recent access agreement with a 2 month window per year. Unfortunately this wasn't long enough to maintain the routes. I fear the quarry is effectively lost for this generation at least 😕

In reply to thinredline20:

Great routes for sure but I suspect their reputation is skewed by their almost mythical status.

 Martin Bennett 14 May 2024
In reply to Bulls Crack:

> I thought it was Hufftown? 

Good interpretation. Would go with Brufftown on the opposite side of what they try to tell me is now a city, where all the best Prestonians were bruffed up!

In reply to radddogg:

Yes, we pushed hard for a longer opening but there are other competing interests and stakeholders. The owners are also asking for some means of booking in and monitoring who visits. Which given the complexity and cost of setting up and administering challenges the viability of the whole arrangement, given the likely brevity of the climbing season and the outsized amount of crag maintenance required to keep even the classic routes in a climbable state.

 Graeme Hammond 14 May 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

Nothing to add but thanks for the effort you're putting in, I really want to get back to Hoghton as I'm sure many other do too.

For those who don't know the place its like a more overgrown Millstone on steroids. I have fortunately had the chance to do the amazing Rhododendron Buttress (E2 5c) and Mandarin (E2 5c) but would love the chance to explore further. The opportunity to clean and climb Boadicea (E2 5c) would be much appreciated.  I hope that should access be restored people respect the agreement even if it is restrictive as some limited access is still better than non IMO.

Photos selected from the crag galley, see individual photos for credits

Post edited at 10:55

 Martin Bennett 14 May 2024
In reply to Ennerdaleblonde:

> Great routes for sure but I suspect their reputation is skewed by their almost mythical status.


 Michael Hood 14 May 2024
In reply to Martin Bennett:

> Wrong.

I would agree with you there. I've not climbed there but I did once many years ago pop in to see what it was like.

What an impressive place, and if it could ever have a decent length season and be kept clean, it would likely be the most impressive quarried gritstone in the UK. 

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