Hardwearing shoes for peat, grit and heather.

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 Mattyk 18 Mar 2021

Apologies for asking shoe advice for the second time having perhaps asked the wrong question last time as didn't know what i really wanted. 

Last year I brought 2 pairs of inov8 trailroc 285 as they were in the sale. The first pair wore through on the uppers where it flexes at the edges. I returned and inov8 refunded. the second pair i am now wearing and the same thing has happened. I'm not too fussed this time as i've basically had a shoes wear cumulatively out of the two and have owned them a year so fat chance of a refund. 

The issue is i want some new shoes again, basically these are so good If there were cheap i would buy them again 8mm drop, basic level of grip.

My problem is i run on the moors of the northern peak and think the peat and grit could have been part of the problem as well as the heather which must rub against the uppers; i now wash the shoes to try and help.

What i'm after is a similar shoe but i really need the upper to be a lot more hardwearing to justify the cost of most shoes out there.

I have some old mudclaws and the uppers are fine on those but they are not appropriate for the long distances on mixed terrain.

I could get the new trailroc g280 but don't know if the uppers are any better? 

Are roclite better uppers?

I also like the look of the terraultra but dont know how hardwearing they are and if zero drop is something?

The shoes will be for weekly long runs of 4-5 hours as well as more regular 10-15km runs.

I would be prepared to spend the going rate this time but really want the uppers to be more robust.

Any advice appreciated.. I'm not set on inov8.

Post edited at 21:48
In reply to Mattyk:

Talk to Karen at Peak Footwear in Holmfirth.

OP Mattyk 18 Mar 2021
In reply to Deleated bagger:

Thanks. Yep I was planning on going down as its local when the shops can open again. Maybe i'll message her and see what she can do.

 JohnBson 18 Mar 2021
In reply to Mattyk:

Just got some VJ Sport XTRM, they appear to have good old-fashioned sturdiness and are doing far better than my disappointing Icebugs which are coming apart at the sole after less than 150km on muddy ground. I like that the VJ sport has good grip but the lugs seem fairly durable. Uppers are well stitched. Definitely and off road shoe.

In reply to Mattyk:

> Thanks. Yep I was planning on going down as its local when the shops can open again. Maybe i'll message her and see what she can do.

She does doorstep shoe fitting from her campervan. Needs must!

 Justaname 19 Mar 2021
In reply to Mattyk:

Nicky Spinks did her double BG in Mudclaws, so certainly fit the bill for long distance over mixed terrain.

ANything Inov8 with the 'mesh' type upper (Roclites for example) seem to wear out at the flex point after 150 miles. The nylon used in Mudclaws and Talons is much better.

 robert-hutton 19 Mar 2021
In reply to JohnBson:

> Just got some VJ Sport XTRM, they appear to have good old-fashioned sturdiness and are doing far better than my disappointing Icebugs which are coming apart at the sole after less than 150km on muddy ground. I like that the VJ sport has good grip but the lugs seem fairly durable. Uppers are well stitched. Definitely and off road shoe.

My XTRM's spit in the fore foot but has some I- Rocks one year older and still like new.

 Nic Barber 19 Mar 2021
In reply to Mattyk:

If you're dragging the uppers through heather, peat and grit, then VJ iROC/Xtreme are probably the best to go for. Being designed for orienteering, the uppers are much stronger than most and designed to be abused. You could maybe have a look at Nvii, though I have no experience of them.

The iRoc is more racy, the Xtreme may fit the bill a bit more (though I've only tried the former so far). Expensive but will last.

Wash your shoes fairly regularly to preserve the uppers is a good thing to do for all shoes.

Post edited at 10:10
 robert-hutton 19 Mar 2021
In reply to Mattyk:

I have the same issue in shoes splitting in the forefoot as I have wide feet, got some terraultra's which seem to wide fitting and up to yet best inov8 to date all the others the tops fell apart.

 wbo2 19 Mar 2021
In reply to Mattyk:  There is a lot of discussion, similar threads, all around the subject of uppers falling to pieces prematurely, or not. I don't have a particular solution , but some thoughts.

1. Some shoes are not great, or rather are made from poor materials. 

2. But what's a poor material.  You might want a shoe making up that's really durable.  Are you prepared to take the weight difference, heat build up (maybe a problem for you, maybe not) and potential for discomfort by replacing a soft upper with something stiffer, harder?

3. Are they just gaining holes? Or is it always happening where soft material is stitched to hard at a flex point?

4. Or the edges of toe bumpers, often a place holes form?

5. Jamming wide feet into narrow shoes gives great feel, but holes appear pretty quickly.

6. Constant soaking in acidic mud/water (peat won't help)

My takeaway is that it's easy to make a shoe that lasts a long time, but not many people will want to wear it

In reply to Mattyk:

I changed from the Mudclaws I usually wore this winter - went for the X Talon Ultra instead. They are a wider fit (so I had to drop a whole size). They are 300 miles + in, with no sign of any wear and tear on the uppers. I am really happy with them and have worn them for 4 hour runs with no problem. Incidentally I run mostly in the dark peak so similar terrain to you

 greg_may_ 19 Mar 2021
In reply to Nic Barber:

> You could maybe have a look at Nvii, though I have no experience of them.

Nvii Forest 2 user here - they are great for shorter (sub 3hr) runs - very, very, VERY flexible and have little to no support. Perfect for orienteering as they conform to everything. Feel like they shouldn't be tough, but they are. However, they are a racing shoe IMHO, not for general running about in.

Toughest pairs of shoes I've used in order are: Vj iRock 2, Vj iRock 3, Inov8 Oroc.... all orienteering shoes! 

 Nick Nitro 19 Mar 2021
In reply to Mattyk:

I've not seen anyone mention the Walsh PB Elite Xtreme (or the Ultra Xtreme for the wide footed amongst us) I've had a pair for a while across the Moors and they've held out. The uppers are some hardwearing material that doesn't stretch much (so defo try them on). And you can get them resoled cheapish.

 JohnBson 19 Mar 2021
In reply to wbo2:

I tend to get splitting at the join of the upper and sole at the pivot of my toes. I try to make sure I wash any bog water off with cold water when I'm done with my runs. For me it seems a lot to do with how well the rand is glued to the fabric.

OP Mattyk 21 Mar 2021
In reply to all:

Thank you all. I think i have some thoughts to go on now. I'll try and avoid that light weight upper. Also will go to shop to get feet measured as maybe width is causing the premature wear, I had never considered that. The VJ are something I will deffo look at if they are stocked local. 

With regards mudclaw. It could be the fit of mine ( I know I have to wear slightly thicker socks) however I do find them a bit sloppier and hence more than say 15km I feel aches where I don't normally. They are also an old pair.maybe 10 years that I found new in the wardrobe from my previous attempts at running so maybe design has changed a bit. One thing I do know is that My mudclaws are weathering a lot better than my other shoes that's for sure due to the more robust upper. 

Incidentally I also have some Adidas terrex that are showing a similar wear pattern to the trailroc but the material must be a bit more Hardwearing as it's not gone through.

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