Quiver Killer mounting in Chamonix?

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 Rob84 07 Mar 2012
Does anyone know of anywhere in Cham that will mount Quiver Killer inserts to skis? I have a new set of skis and an exisiting set both of which I want fitting, plus the inserts themselves, but I'm struggling to find anywhere in Manchester that can do it. I'm off to Cham next week and I'd have thought there should be somewhere out there that can do it, but it would be nice to know for sure beforehand if anyone has the beta? (I know you can do it yourself but to be honest I don't trust myself not to drill through the base of the ski or drill the hole at a dodgy angle!) Cheers, Rob
 rogersavery 07 Mar 2012
In reply to Rob84:
Can you get to Nottingham?
OP Rob84 07 Mar 2012
In reply to rogersavery: Sadly not - I tried to get Jon to do them but his availability didn't line up with when I could get to Nottingham
 Oceanic 08 Mar 2012
In reply to Rob84:

I think Sole in Chamonix Sud do them, but if you want to make sure...

Phone +33 033450961163
Email [email protected]

When I was in the shop the other week all the staff were British.
OP Rob84 08 Mar 2012
In reply to Oceanic: Top man! Cheers, Rob
 beardy mike 09 Mar 2012
In reply to Rob84: Cheers - for this - had never heard of them - sounds like a genius idea - a how come nobody has done this before idea!
OP Rob84 09 Mar 2012
In reply to Oceanic: Tried ringing but the number doesn't want to connect - I'll give the email address a go instead
craigloon 09 Mar 2012
In reply to Rob84:

Try dropping the 0 after the country code
 Dave Searle 09 Mar 2012
In reply to Rob84:

the number would be +33450961163

It cost 50euro's per set of ski's by the way and I'm sure they'll be able to do it for you.

Just go and chat to them. They are all sound guy's.
OP Rob84 09 Mar 2012
In reply to Dave Searle: nice one Dave. Cheers, Rob

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