Pain in the....

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 Roobag 19 Jul 2015
I have only taken a few falls but each time I do I experience this weird sharp cold pain between my legs, don't know whether it's prostate, crap harness (X climb) or what, and it's not my balls. Sorry about the general unpleasantness of this post but I'm wondering if this is normal as I have only been climbing a short while.
I am male 66kg and 35 yr old if any of these things are relevant.
 jsmcfarland 20 Jul 2015
In reply to Roobag:

does your harness fit properly? this isn't normal from what I know, even thinking back to when I started.
Removed User 20 Jul 2015
In reply to Roobag:

You're not using static rope by any chance, right? (yeah, I know - stupid question, but I've seen it once, so..)

Anyway, that's NOT normal. Try other harnesses, see what happens. I'm taking falls all the time (sport climbing) and I've never felt anything strange.
 NottsRich 20 Jul 2015
In reply to Roobag:

Do you get the same sensation just sitting/hanging in the harness rather than falling? Might be a slightly easier way of identifying what is causing it, i.e. leg loop pressure point, or perhaps something pushing into the small of your back.
OP Roobag 20 Jul 2015
In reply to Removed UserZebdi:

Yeah I have used a static line and it caused the same pain as reasonable sized lead falls. Top rope is not an issue. I guess I'll just try some different harnesses out see if there's a difference.
OP Roobag 05 Aug 2015
In reply to Roobag:

Sorry not a static line. One of those self belay jobbies they sometimes have at indoor walls.

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