NEWS: Paris 2024 Olympic Sport Climbing Walls Unveiled

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 UKC News 04 Jun 2024

The IFSC have shared photos of the Paris 2024 Olympic Sport Climbing venue at Le Bourget ahead of the Speed and Boulder & Lead events taking place between 5-10 August this summer.

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 john arran 06 Jun 2024
In reply to UKC News:

This reminded me of a fiction short story I wrote way back in 1987, about comp climbing and the importance of the wall design. Rereading it, I'm amazed at how forward-thinking it was for its day, as it was written before a single commercial training wall was built in the UK and before a single UK comp had taken place - certainly before anything major.

But I didn't get everything right!

Edit: It was so long ago I had to type it out on a friend's typewriter!

Post edited at 11:31
 McHeath 06 Jun 2024
In reply to john arran:

Nice read John, and impressively far-sighted 

 john arran 06 Jun 2024
In reply to McHeath:

Thank you, McHeath. I must admit to being a bit surprised when I unearthed it last month, having not seen it for the best part of 30 years and it having been written a fair bit longer ago even than that!

 Michael Hood 06 Jun 2024
In reply to john arran:

Nice one

With regards to the Paris walls - green and pink? - looks more like blue and pink to me 

 Dave Garnett 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

> With regards to the Paris walls - green and pink? - looks more like blue and pink to me 

If you only have one X chromosome you’re not qualified to judge, as I have learnt the hard way!


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